Comment by Franco in Rome January 17, 2013 @ 4:32 am. The legalization is tied to a very Dutch concept called gedoogbeleid which is difficult to translate but means permissiveness-because-there-are-bigger-fish-to-fry. I just cant understand them because our languages are still very different. Plenty of others have corrected some things already. This is because its one of our main educational subject, but most importantly due to the mass consumption of British-English and American-English television and music (dont forget the internet). But you are not allowed to carry it with you, use it in public, or resell it. Holland an the Netherlands are the same. The Zwarte Pieten were not in fact black, but covered in soot from sliding down so many chimneys. a little dog had licked it all uptoo late ..but really I figured everyone was drugged. We dont ask if someone had a hot meal already. Comment by Peregrinus March 3, 2013 @ 4:10 pm, Uhm in The netherlands we have a good education. They build sand heaps and lie behind them to seek shelter of the wind. Overall I agree with your post, and it was a good read, but I felt like I should address above matters. Pas des frites then laughter. "Seriously, they all speak perfect, although heavily-accented, English." I just read your thing and I disagree with quite some things. We even put it into fucking songs. Have you tried vruchtenhagel [fruit hail] in yoghurt? Like comment above me said: older generations hate the german (so obviously we have it to) We do use umbrellas? The Dutch will happily put up with wet faces and heads. Hide. Many even dislike it if you use English towards them, for as far Ive experienced (I do enjoy speaking it, but I question the way I pronounce things). (Oh, and I will never (NEVER) will happily put up with a wet face or head. DailyCandor: I actually have a lot of affection for the Dutch and the Netherlands. Im talking the sprinkles kids put on ice cream, but Dutch adults put it on bread. He had parked on the street, and a cop approached him while he was in his car, and told him, in German, that he wasnt allowed to park there and began writing him a ticket. (I know this sounds a bit odd, but makes a lot of more sense, when you are used to the system). Can I just hit all the Dutch people that say Holland and the Netherlands is the same? Im not joking. Belgian fries are four times as big as french fries. The story is as follows: Sinterklaas is a Saint who supposedly lives in Madrid, Spain. 4. Another oddity is no matter how much it rains and floods temporarily, all the waters gone in about 20 minutes. But hey i have a german girlfriend so dont get me wrong. But the name Holland is used a lot as a synonym for the Netherlands. To relieve pressure on this system, a little water always trickles through thats okay as long as they can keep the floods out. 10. When he came with something to clean it with This has a history aswell. He said, Because hes a dumb German. I pressed, but what for? But he couldve been from any country. when i was on flieland ( 1 of the small islands in the north) i found a rare insect crawling over the street. Comment by Someone January 5, 2013 @ 5:30 am. Comment by Manuel April 9, 2013 @ 4:44 am. the food is delicious.ofcourse my favourite are the patat.and the landscape is nice.and there are some rare like animals. Especially the g, ch and r thingy, ch and g cn be identical, but the ch can also be pronounced as more of a sh sound, depending on the word (so in chloor its a g-sound and in chauffeur its a sh-sound). Hup Holland hup So thats in general definitly a true thing. The Dutch love speaking English. Comment by Karen January 5, 2013 @ 11:12 am. Comment by Luuk January 21, 2013 @ 1:49 am, 1. true Thanks! Now I cant use this article for my EFL students. Other ones are the WWII occupation, and the intense football rivalry (football, what americans call soccer, is our nations main sport). Btw the younger generation has an exceptional gut for pronunciation due to videogames, cartoons, and so fort. "The Dutch are not big potheads.". 9. yup, but kinda exaggerated You heard about the Dutch using free bicycles provided by the government? Its not a matter of fun, its just practical. If you arrive at a Dutch friends house around dinnertime, they might ask, Heb je al warm gegeten? which means Have you eaten something hot already? If you had a hot lunch, your friend will prepare a (cold) sandwich for you for dinner. I dont know where you got it from that we eat only one hot meal a day. Thank you! Totally recognizable. Generally, we speak pretty good english. (as long as youre gonna tell how long you supposed to stay here) Dutch Fries do not exist, Good job! Manic Mission Daarbij behoren Nederlanders tot de slimmste mensen van de wereld en kunnen we heel goed andere talen spreken. I am Dutch, and I personally hold no grudge against German people. 10 things you probably didnt know about the Dutch and the Netherlands, Weird habbits: Dutchies door de ogen van niet-Dutchies | GirlsLove2Travel, 10 things you probably didn't know about the Dutch and the Netherlands, Follow-up: What Europeans Think of Each Other. (Im not proud of it, just stating a fact:Healthcare being one important reason among many others). however, ch and g are indeed pronounced the same, much like c and s in english (depending of course on the word its used in). But you cant expect people to be smart (even though They think they are) 90 % of THE people in THE world is dumb. WTF ,, youre serioos cant not speaking dutch because that alles your dutch translation with them sounds, is all wrongly.. DailyCandor: Errrscratch that part where I said all Dutch people speak perfect English. But there is a difference between the r and g sound. Also, the r and the g dont sound the same. I dont know how this myth started in the first place. Delicious. I should also add the hatred versus germany is mutual, wich is indicated in the comment fights above me , Comment by Bas April 11, 2013 @ 9:16 am, I live in The Netherlands and this is absolutely hilarious for me to read. 7. So much that it became a synonym for the Netherlands. and you could possibly add we eat muisjes on baby showers, keeping the male and female colours in mind (yes we really do, always). its just that we have the most perfected sewer system on the planet. As for bicycles, Ive always used one lock and so did many others. Sorry for my bad englisch. Thank you for the article, it was very nice (allthough it contained some stereotypical stuff) You couldnt possibly shock us. I personally love the german language, people, and cities. we arent gonna think that you hate us, because you also say jokes about us, because it is just a joke. Its very important for Dutch to travel a lot to open eyes and spirit since our country is so small. Trek het beestje geen pantoffels aan We say it like ee-day, unless were speaking of our ID card. We do use umbrellas, quite frequently. Also, R and G are only pronounced (roughly) the same in some areas of the Netherlands, like Amsterdam. they're Forvo users, male or female, from anywhere in the globe), the language of that word and the country of the user. Im Dutch myself, and I feel like they are putting our educational system to shame. The Dutch loathe the Germans. Not to mention things like music, games and the internet. Welcome! 3. This was a funny article haha. They use raincoats and rain suits, but they never use umbrellas (too hard to ride your bicycle with one; plus, its *really* windy all the time). because if thats the only reason, then you can say that all americans hate gay people because they make fun of them in jokes, by calling each other gay, like its a bad thing. nouja, behalve ik dan haha, Comment by Dutchgirl February 10, 2013 @ 11:48 am. Kinda necessary with all that rain here. ), Comment by Femke January 11, 2013 @ 3:29 pm. This is probably a sad story but funny at the same time. Junkies in the Amsterdam red light district will sell you a bike for 10 euros (25 guilders before the euro changeover), but be careful; if you buy one and a cop sees you, you go to jail. If u smack a kroket against the wall it sure looks like some shitty stuff. Holland en Nederland is voor gewone Nederlanders hetzelfde omdat Nederland ook vroeger Holland wordt genoemd. We dont hate Germans. There were no black slave children involved. My name is Alex de Ruijter and I'm the product manager for BowTieXP. I do not know if it still goes on but there used to be traffic jams at one land bridges as you would get these stubborn people who would just wait for the other person to give way. The part where u talk about bikes being stolen so frequently, only aplies to big cities. About 3: We dont ask if someone had a hot meal already. Dutch love to eat out we do my hubby loves his meals not that I cook very often to busy mostly weekends when he is not working or we eat outnow at christmas chocolate covered pepernoten now they are so yum love em took some home to England last christmas and my family loved them along with some of the strong dutch cheese oude amsterdamer yum. I am Dutch and Im pretty sure I dont pronounce gracht as khkhakht but maybe Im just really special. Because well, we dont care. But its good to hear we arent considered those old dutchies, with weird hats, living on cheese, growing tulips and living in mills, like the chinese think , Comment by xoMilkyway January 5, 2013 @ 4:51 pm. However, it is often used for the whole country, and while not every one likes it (I myself associated with a heavy accent and dislike it) most of us accept it as referring to the Netherlands. Hup Holland hup Hahaha. My Dutch friend sneered. Comment by amanda January 12, 2013 @ 3:05 pm. Holland is just one section of the Netherlands, largely the western coastal region, including Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Haarlem, Leiden and the Hague. Comment by mireille January 9, 2013 @ 1:09 pm. should be banned until people can learn to behave. Regarding typical dutch foods, what about boerenkool, snert, stampot, zuurkool, and hachee? The country is drenched with rain year round, but the Dutch never use umbrellas. The wet look is permanently in there. The Dutch live below sea level, so they have plenty of dams & dikes keeping the water out. With phonetic transcriptions, dictionarie tell you about the pronunciation of words, because the spelling of an English word does not tell you how you should pronounce it. The dutch well I am married to one and and yep tight arsed for sure stubourn as hell and are never wrong but in general are very freindly people but as in any culture you are going to get your good and your bad Amsterdam is the pits Maastricht is tops. I hope that made you realize that Holland isnt wrong to use as The Netherlands. at first. Ik woon in Nederland. The main reason is that Holland is highly dependant of Germany. You can get either pink, female, or blue, male, varieties. Im Dutch and i use umbrellas all the time, and im pretty sure im not the only one., tough im willing to believe other people use them even more. 10. Nonsense. Some things are pretty spot on, others, are honestly just not true . Hope you enjoy. This is as hard as Michiel de Ruijter's cannonballs. 2. The netherlands is an old word for het koninkrijk der Nederlanden witch includes of course The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg. Holland is a province. One thing I want to say about the Fries: Great article, I like reading about my country through the eyes of foreigners , Comment by Le February 8, 2013 @ 11:22 am. They will pronounce idea eye-DEE, and they will resist pronouncing it with 3 syllables in English, no matter how many times you correct them. I can eat hot meals at any time of the day or night, but its true that originally this was only once a day, at 18.00 sharp. DailyCandor: Yeah, too bad considering there likely isnt a single curse word used here that your students havent used before. Aso known as the Benelux. I thinking it is very dump of you thinking it is poor ( one of THE first comments) we have a system similar to That from germany. An example: I was walking along a beach (Schevengingen) with a Dutch guy, and we saw a guy furiously digging a hole in the sand. Why should we? The R is completely different from both and I honestly dont see how you could ever hear those as being in any way similar. Below is the phonetic transcription of ruijter: This next one is de ruijter gestampte muisjes and I am not sure but that could just be a. ), strange search results, please leave a comment in the Pronunciation tool Feedback page. First of all, Christmas is not the same as what we call Sinterklaas (What you called Saint Nick). Copyright 2022 Daily Candor. seems rather gay. Maar Er zijn ook twee provincies die Noord-Holland en Zuid-Holland heten. she goes crazy and i always ask:why do you get so mad? This is why the average Dutch person doesnt spend more than $50 for a bike itll eventually get stolen. U can however buy 5 grams, a day, of it specialised shops. so does every other country in the whole world. Magical Mushrooms have been banned since a few years now. You have north and south Holland witch includes the randstad (the big citys). Fries are indeed very popular, but it is Belgium where the originate from. Is he building a castle or something? Feedback: We learn French and German in school as well, because they refuse to learn anything but their own language and we like to have holidays over there. However, other famous Dutch cities like Utrecht, Groningen, Maastricht, Den Bosch and Leeuwarden are *not* in Holland. 1. Nice discussions. They eat fries (what theyre famous for) but theyre often drenched in mayonnaise or pindasaus (basically spicy peanut butter). Technically, Holland refers to two (of the 12) provinces, North Holland and South Holland. 6. See #4. "so I know quite a bit about this quirky country and its unusual inhabitants (and I mean that in a good way)." I am American but have lived in Europe almost forty years and was first befriended by the Dutch the second week I was in Germany. Maar in de volksmond (vooral bij ouderen) kan Nederland nog Holland heten. I liked how you explained about the "frikandel" and "kroket" xD i dont see it as shit or a dried up turd but i understand u say that. Trust me, I know since I am from the Netherlands. In America the Dutch Americans have a t shirt which reads, You can always tell a Dutchman, but you cant tell him much Apart from the truth in this it is really a wonderful use of idomatic English. also people dislike talking to people when the are going to work because everybody looks so unfriendly when they go to work. We use umbrellas. About our English, the accents arent that bad. hi, Nowhere but in the NL have I encountered such levels of incompetence, bureaucracy, narrow-mindedness and an obvious lack of compassion: either your lifes not in danger, so why should a doctor do anything to help you, or youre lifes at risk, and then why spend resources on a lost cause. But hmmm.. i love frikandellen.. And yeah maybe older generation or girls use ubrella's but no me and everyone my age (23) i know dont use umbrella's xD So shut up and finish your bratwurst you prejudiced Son of a german, Comment by Maurits vervelde March 5, 2013 @ 6:52 am. For breakfast. It is heavily accented because our native language uses unique sounds. But one hot meal a day is not a rule or something. Comment by What the hell February 6, 2013 @ 1:07 pm, awesome that you spend the time writing this story is completely true. Any country couldve had that bad luck. Contrary to point 35 we are allowed to grow a limited number of Maria plants but not to sell it. About the french fries, our family eats them once a week-friday-, since we simply cannot find the urge to cook after an entire workweek. There is one thing that has changed, you cant sell or eat magic mushrooms anymore. If something bad happens to you, please find a policeman/policewoman and explain the situation to us. at least not as big in other countries, Comment by Dave February 27, 2013 @ 4:57 am. Its not wrong to call the Netherlands Holland, because dutch also say sometimes Holland. i mean some english kids dont even know that the UK belongs to Europe, or what the difference between your and youre is. Theres my list. Comment by Drekracer February 14, 2013 @ 9:07 am. About the hot meal thing; its not nonsense, its perfectly normal and common in Holland to eat cold at lunchtime (sandwiches) and warm in the evening. Laat je uit t veld niet slaan This was probably just the case with the people youve met. But ofc its wrong to say EVERY dutch person looks down on germans (though i like that u said that xD) most dutchies can, but its just plain annoying) If youve already had a hot meal during lunchtime (and then I dont mean soup or something like that, but pasta or meat and vegetables, usually people eat cold in the evening. A Manic Miner + Impossible Mission mashup retro-game! Im a black american but I find dutch men very very VERY attractive I dont know what it is about them. So you can easily understand what the word is about, what it looks like, see photos of people by their name, or information about a location, a city, products or whatever else. the dutch make jokes about a lot of things, also other countries, but we never mean it serieus. In my opinion that are all compliments so i dont know how this can be rude. the r and g only are pronounced the same in certain parts of holland, commonly the hague. Please keep in mind that not all of the women you see in the windows in the Red Light District are really women. Holland and the Netherlands arent the same, but the Dutch dont use the word Holland for their own country, we use it in foreign countries because a lot of foreigners know what Holland is but they dont know where the Netherlands are (Ive experienced this a few times, including the question: you speak German right?ALSO in Great-Brittain, which is quite sad noticing its so close). I just realized you are full of crap and i wasted my time on typing all this bullshit. Im from Groningen (khrrow-ning-unn), I dont like fries, frikandels, mayonaise and krokets and im only 5feet3. we do use umbrellas, just not when were biking because its difficult to hold them xD, Comment by Ilja July 16, 2013 @ 10:27 am, RSS feed for comments on this post. As for not being willing to speak any other language than Dutch, well, I suppose there are some people like that around here, but lets be honest, how many countries can you think of where you dont have one or two people like that? 6. the R and the G are pronounced WAY differently, oh and one thing: It is never actually explained what happens to the child when it gets there, because the threat of taking them away from their own country is enough. WW2 stings in the older generations but not many Dutch hate the Germans. Comment by Isabelle January 10, 2013 @ 11:02 am. but sometimes people in holland do very stupid about other people Actually Holland and the Netherlands is the same. En we maken vooral grappen over Belgen en dan vooral over Vlamingen. Copyright 2019 - 2022 G, ch and r arent prenounced the same way. He can have the same as what im eating if there is any left. Sure, there are some stupid, nave, discriminative people in the Netherlands, but youll meet those people in every country. exhibit A; Im not making this up. That was 30 years ago. Thats isnt polite in our country, when one wants to come over at a certain time they make a call first so they wont interrupt. Durft de hele wereld aan. Holland and The Netherlands are considered the same thing. Are you a fan of classic 8bit gaming? Ill never spend one minute or one euro in that rotten racist intolerant arrogant little country again, and I wont even buy anything remotely Dutch (God knows they value their wallets above all else), Comment by enragedExpat January 12, 2013 @ 2:57 am. Wij danken onze lieve god en drinken is een must. You can not eat 2 hot meals per day. Im glad at least we [the Dutch] are thought of. You see TONS of foreigners Brits, Americans, Germans, etc smoking out in Dutch coffee shops (coffee shop means marijuana; cafe means coffee, so pay attention to what the establishment calls itself), but its pretty rare to see a Dutch person there. And no, its not a political statement; had excellent healthcare in France, the US (because I had adequate insurance), Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and even Soviet Russia (a while back, obviously). Its really amazing to read foreigners opinion about us, especially an american. I used to take tours around Europe, in Amsterdam we parked the bus on the bridge at the Westkerk to go see the Anne Frank house. also, disturbing youth likes to throw them into the canal dividing my city. Thanks for evaluating the Dutch [], Pingback by Weird habbits: Dutchies door de ogen van niet-Dutchies | GirlsLove2Travel March 20, 2013 @ 6:03 am, A lot of these points are incorrect, actually. Powered By WordPress. Every year he comes to the Netherlands to give presents to the children, accompanied by his helpers, who are indeed known as Zwarte Pieten (Black Peters). The article seems rather rude in my eyes, maybe its me but I dont think the writer likes the Netherlands. I do am glad you said we werent pot-heads, since its mainly the teenagers that get into it. Weed, carrying, using or trading it, are all illegal. Its true that the majority of the dutch people dont like germans. The Nehterlands is a lovely country love the place. im just saying. 1. OKAY NO. kroketten are gross, frikandellen are made from quality meat, frites are belgian and cheese souffl is fucking french. Also most people dont really consider patat, frikandellen and kroketten to be snacks, more fast food or junk food, like hamburgers. About 7: Im not sure where you were but here, we use umbrellas. The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is an alphabetic system of phonetic notation based primarily on the Latin alphabet. My family are dutch but i never lived in the netherlands since i became 18 and even though i never really got to know holland i have lots of the habits you described seems like stereotyping is a theory you can trust :p lol, Comment by jonathan February 7, 2013 @ 5:46 pm. The Dutch will only eat one hot meal a day. So the word gracht (canal) combines all three kh sounds in one wordthat sounds really, really awful: khkhakht. This is why Grolsch (the beer) sounds like Khkhols, not grolsh. The roads are generally good and well looked after The Netherlands is very clean. Comment by Femme March 7, 2013 @ 10:56 am, Very amused by this great article. In the weekends we eat hot more often. On a related note, I have no idea is geen idee, which sounds a little like rainy day when pronounced correctly. 3. true Comment by Laurie March 31, 2013 @ 1:31 pm. Laat de leeuw niet in zn hempie staan We still got Noord Holland and Zuid Holland (North holland and South holland) but they are parts of the Netherlands (you can compare them with States in the US).

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