[72] Peirats, Unpublished memoirs, p. 64. One of the fun things about writing this post was that it gave me the chance to dig out several of my castle books, and some of them are rather lovely so I thought Id include a visual bibliography. 2. The expansion of the membership of our organisation must be immediate. In the cemetery in Cerdanyola they discovered 12 corpses of members of the JJ.LL, horribly mutilated with eyes gouged out and tongues cut out. All workers, back to work tomorrow; and as for the others, the combatants, on to the capture of Huesca, of Teruel, on to the liberation of Zaragoza!, To what end were the tram and bus workers being searched at close of evening yesterday, in the middle of their work hours? We did not, lest it wreck everything. And a start has been made to the construction of a rail network that had been stalled for upwards of 16 years. At a historic cabinet meeting, the communist representatives Vicente Uribe and Jess Hernndez contrived the collapse of the government. Certain discordant voices had to be silenced and the freedom to criticise enjoyed by certain newspapers that had set themselves up as the sacred guardians of principle and sniped at the shortcomings of the CNTs committees and its ministers needed to be curtailed. But we are not doing the government any favour by accepting. But has the knife-maker never thought that the knife upon which he is working and which will be sold later, may serve the better to finish off him, his spouse or their children? Comrades all over Spain would do well to take note of the hero and of his companions in victory. The workers know that, should we win this war, freedom and democracy will be triumphant in Europe and social revolution in Spain. Eloquent, too, the lifeless body of Camillo Berneri, a leading light of Italian libertarian communism, a philosopher and writer of world renown, shot at point blank range without a word in the dead of the night. On 10 May Mundo Obrero carried the following notice on every page: Is the victory of the Republic and the triumph of our popular revolution to be jeopardised for want of energy or whatever? Which is to say that as early as November the Executive had made a pact and later we entered into another one, along the lines of the first, but which, instead of being a simple manifesto, was more explicit. The same party political motives underpinned the operation on the Aragn front in mid-1937, in anticipation of which a mayor from reconquered Zaragoza had even been designated.[157]. A CNT-FAI delegation, together with the UGT National Executive, travelled to Barcelona and made superhuman efforts to bring the conflict to an end. After the May events, in which the CNT set the world the most magnificent example of sang-froid and sanity in the face of a premeditated provocation, and also displayed a laudable discipline in bringing to an end the shooting which they had not initiated and which the provocateurs who had hatched this manoeuvre had an interest in prolonging, a provisional government of the Generalitat was formed of which one CNT representative was part. Every affiliate to the FAI shall be obliged to give an account of the performance of the tasks which may be assigned to him as requested by its respective committees, provided that these have previously been so empowered by the assemblies and congresses. Differences were so acute that some of the dissenting groups threatened a split. The keep was eventually replaced with a private residence for the lord of the castle. The military judge began by threatening him with death unless he pleaded guilty to every one of the charges. And the law only granted the right to dignity and material assistance to the compaera and children of those who perished at the front and were legally married. Upon disembarking a splendid rally was laid on, at which all the representatives of all the parties welcomed us and offered thanks. On no pretext may the CNT be placed on a level footing with the PCE in the draft presented (a) because the PCE provoked the crisis; (b) because the PCE has not shown the same loyalty as the CNT in cooperating in the work of government; (c) Because the PCE does not, by a long shot, carry the same weight as the CNT in the eyes of the people nor in those of the Spanish proletariat. The fourth spells out the wish that these organisations, which, on account of the revolutionary upheaval, lost their self-control and which it was not possible to have present at the appropriate moment, should have a guarantee in the municipal councils and that this hereinafter be ensured. Subsequently, a commission was appointed, comprising of comrades Besteiro, Saborit and Largo Caballero, who travelled to Catalonia to publicise and argue on behalf of that pact. All commemorative rallies were suspended by order of the central government on 18 July. But to collectivise a workshop, placing it in the hands of all its operatives so that today there are more owners than on 19 July is to make the social revolution: it is to swallow the primitive view of socialism. Everyone knows that, with its repeated and savage repression, the regime lately brought down always prevented the moulding of labour militant nuclei and thereby the necessary trade union education of the wage labourer (asalariado). And I did just that. We have borne the war in mind and the necessity of winning it at any price and we have considered the difficult and serious times in which we live and, cognisant of our responsibility, we have not departed from the straight course we have outlined. For a comparable popular demonstration, in terms of the spontaneity of emotion, we should have to hark back to the demonstration of affection at the funeral of Durruti. We have a record as militants of the same organisation, because although he is now a militant of the UGT, he was previously a militant of the CNT. And, also, when they come to be persuaded of the imperfections of human beings, must they not concede that we must all proceed in concert if we are to surmount obstacles and attain what they themselves seek? You? Item Three: Report from the Regional Committees. A domestic crisis was being hatched for Spain. ADVISORY, CONSULTATIVE, TECHNICAL AND CULTURAL ORGANS OF THE FEDERATION. And after I had spent three months issuing request after request, I found that the firms just laughed at the Minister of Industry, and in laughing at the Minister of Industry they were making a laughing stock of the government of the Republic. He was working for the government of the Republic. Above the heads of this enthusiastic multitude the banners symbolising the various anti-fascist tendencies fluttered in the wind. Other parties, other organisations, other denominations cannot understand the inner turmoil in the movement and in the very consciences of its militants which the incorporation of the CNT into the government necessarily had to represent and did represent for us all. That of itself was reason enough for us to leave them to their own devices. The demands of the CNT could not have come at a worse moment. Point seven says that there shall be no other organs of public administration than the Council of Aragn and the municipal councils and, of course, the functions which the government may determine to devolve to the relevant departments (consejeras). I as Minister of Justice shared the responsibility for the supreme Council of War with the Premier and Minister of War, comrade Largo Caballero and the other ministers belonging to it. That would be like my telling the enemy how we are situated. Once in Companyss presence, Montsenys first step was to divest the latter of his office for the duration of her stewardship in the name of the Valencia government. The origins of this campaign against the UGT go right the way back to the time of the May crisis, the political crisis: a crisis which I regard and I have to say this here as the most shameful crisis ever in the history of Spain. And our libertarian movement has held its tongue and put up with it all. But there is more to it than that: the fact is that, before I took up my post again as Secretary, the UGTs Executive Commission made another pact with the CNT, signed on 26 November 1936 and endorsed by several comrades, Manuel Cordero among them. Nonetheless, what a far cry was this people and indeed the individuals who led it from the underlying meaning of this gesture of feigned friendship. The Popular Front, created at the time of the 16 February 1936 elections, had been completely overtaken by the anti-fascist front created on 19 July. I have said and reiterated on many occasions that a large number of anarchists are not organised in the FAI, oblivious of the enormous harm they do the libertarian movement by this attitude. The CNT has understood that, for every problem, it had to have its point of view, its concrete scheme. And Mussolini, through Dencs, agrees with them and affords them indirect support. And representatives of the comrades on the Aragn front came to see me and said to me: If you send us any more cartridges with black powder, we will come back here and kill you. And I told them: Well, black powder is all there is and you must fire with black powder. Such a reaction is intimately bound up with the very existence of the CNT and the salvation of the social revolution in Spain and elsewhere. The diplomatic strategy was to turn the victorious republican government in Spain into the Kremlins plaything, the better to compel the European powers to break the asphyxiating cordon sanitaire around Russia. That vehicle was emblazoned with the insignia of the ministry and was carrying the secretary of the CNT national committee, Mariano Vzquez, en route to Valencia, plus the ministers own secretary, comrade Baruta, who sustained injuries as a result of the shooting. 5, 6, 297. 272, 276. The peoples representatives discovered the dimensions of the outrageousness and the muffled objections from the masses of the people. Absolute prohibition of whatever organs may have been created around the war and which have a bearing on the Defence Ministry. They expanded Hammershus, using local forced labor and financing it with high taxes, leading to ultimately unsuccessful rebellion. That is the issue. As we have stated, its fruits and results have been highly beneficial: but they can be much more so if young workers eager for culture come alive to the need to rally to our work and are prepared to struggle staunchly to be capable members of the legion of militants. A speedy reshuffle of our consular and embassy personnel with equal shares for all anti-fascist sectors in the aforementioned posts, to which the militant organisations will have to appoint activists whose record of anti-fascism is beyond reproach and possessed of the requisite capabilities. The power had to lie absolutely with the political parties, in which case the representation of the working class through the CNT and the UGT had to stand by in order to obey but not to issue orders, as befits the majority in the shape of the working class. And for our part, with a sense of responsibility which other sectors of the struggle of Spain would do well to imitate and to learn from [we decided] that the cause bruited here, the routing of fascism which was spreading across Europe and America and everywhere, took priority over the attainment of our own ideals, for those ideals of ours satisfied only a partisan need, a partisan aspiration. This we shall not allow on account of the very spirit, the very universal implications of the Spanish revolution. Without fear of error, I can state that no feat is without blemish. How come? They cannot grasp it, but the people understands it, and, if not, it should. Should there be any intransigence on this point, it will not be from us but from the people who clung to that approach on other occasions also.. So Lindisfarne castle has lived an interesting life. There must be an end to the crime of forced collectivisation. All branches that were administratively in conformity with UGT regulations would be free to attend this congress. That very day the UGTs executive reported agreement upon the groundwork of an alliance with the CNT, such agreement being provisional until such time as a national congress of the UGT could meet. In these six points, we believe we have encapsulated the views expressed by the plenum through the contributions of the different delegates who have participated in this discussion. The attacking troops were commanded by Royo and a commissar from the 10th Mixed Brigade (11th Division). As the acceleration of this recruiting drive may raise serious drawbacks owing to the infiltration of persons who would previously not have been granted admission, we can, for the purposes of their adoption, employ the procedure that enables us to make our choice of them once we have them under supervision. This National Committee immediately dispatched delegates to all of the Regional Committees to ensure that the occurrences in Catalonia would not have any repercussions elsewhere. FEDERICA MONTSENY: The chair at this rally has introduced me by making a great play of the significance of my involvement in the activity of government, not merely on account of the novelty of my being a woman but also by virtue of my personal standing in the Spanish anarchist and labour movement. On 7 October the press carried references to a meeting of Largo Caballeros Executive and reported the agreement to: mount an extensive propaganda campaign throughout loyalist Spain to inform the workers of the split provoked in UGT ranks by certain elements. It was likewise agreed that a National Congress of the UGT would be held. Valderrobres: Peasants Jacinto Prez, Manuel Cardona and Sebastin Boltaina were arrested by the cossacks of the 11th Division and taken to Listers headquarters. All of the regional federations together (including the Portuguese Federation) made up the FAI, whose ultimate representation was the peninsular committee. Hadnt all we socialists, all we members of the UGT agreed that there should have been no sector in Spain indifferent towards political action? We regarded its stance as a mistaken one. The CNT states that the contents of its programme are merely the practical and crucial steps needed if a comprehensive war policy is to be put into practice. Not too far from there lay the Karl Marx Barracks from where the operational high command of the counter-revolutionary coalition was operating. His intention had been to give a series of such talks, but the long arm of the government thwarted him in this. What is needed at this time is a trial of individuals, when we need to flesh out the face and features of the offence. And of course all of this was poisoning the atmosphere. For instance, not everyone is aware that as long ago as January, Casanovas, Lluh Vallesca, Xicota Sancho, Polo and Ventura i Gassol were roaming around France working on behalf of Catalonias independence. We had agreed upon that, that in embarking upon political action one did so with full, undiluted rights; not merely as electoral agents to swing victory our way, but as more, because were it for that only, I would have to say to the comrades from the CNT that they should turn a deaf ear to such appeals. That should the UGT back down and determine to collaborate, directly or indirectly, with the present government, the National Committee may immediately summon a plenum of Regional Committees to establish our movements position. It has already been noted elsewhere in this work that the FAI was set up in 1927 on the occasion of a conference held right there in the capital of Levante. 4. Guided by that preoccupation it sought, contrived and ensured that all ideas desirous of a new era embraced one another in the same spirit between its strong arms. Each one of them is to perform the functions proper to his office. Only we ourselves can comprehend all these, slightly silly crises of conscience. [91] Peirats, Unpublished memoirs, p. 75. Since then, not I, but others who also talked about unification of the youth in those days have taken this to mean that the true unification of youth is achieved on the basis of ages, not of ideologies. Plainly, the working folk of Barcelona refused to countenance this provocation and determined to defend themselves. But a distinction has to be made between the immobile ideal and the eternal aspiration. Without delay we drew up a plan of collaboration, the content of which was based upon facilitating our victory in the war. And when the first tram serving the Grcia line was making for the Plaa de Catalunya, it came under fire from the Guards and Estat Catal lurking behind barricades, making it necessary that, as a precaution, normal tram and bus services remained suspended. One fine, day large numbers of Guards and police showed up at the Telefnica in Catalunya Square, under the command of Rodrguez Salas, the Chief of Police. GARCIA OLIVER: And so we found ourselves with a ministry where, as I told you before, justice was virtually non-existent, where there were no organs of justice.

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