Fluorescent staining could detect proteins at the nanogram level without the requirement of special technical skill. CBB was first used as an acid wool dye in the 19th century by a British dye manufacturer named Levinstein Ltd. Fast-forward to 1964, an Australian biochemist named Fazekas De St. Growth and colleagues discovered its application for staining proteins after gel electrophoresis.4Since then, several versions of CBB have been developed, including the widely accepted colloidal G-250 formulation thats more sensitive and has less background than the older R-250 form. One big advantage of coomassie staining is that it is compatible with mass spectrometry. Yes Silver staining protocols are categorized on the basis of the silvering agents and development conditions. Yes By using this website you agree to our. InstantBlue protein stain can detect proteins down to ~ 5 ng. The protocol includes only staining and quick washing steps, whereas traditional post-electrophoretic process is time consuming and cumbersome because it involves fixing, staining of protein gels, and destaining, and requires several hours to several days to finish the whole staining process [19][21]. Balasubramaniyan., & Sundaram., P. (2012). Use for: Gel or membrane when you need an inexpensive total protein stain. As protein biologists, these stains play a crucial role in our day-to-day lab work for routine protein analysis and western blot normalization. Youll see your protein bands in 1015 minutes. Table 1. This is an open-access article, free of all copyright, and may be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, modified, built upon, or otherwise used by anyone for any lawful purpose. To evaluate whether the acids have any effects on the protocol, we used different acids, including hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, and acetic acid, to prepare the staining solution in the experiment. Not recommended for normalization. Youll stay up-to-date with our podcasts, webinars, workshops, downloadables, and more, delivered to your inbox every fortnight. The staining process can be very technical and has a narrow linear range, leading to very poor reproducibility. Certificate No. Acrylamide and bis-acrylamide were purchased from Sigma (St. Louis, MO, USA). Silver staining protocols do exist that are compatible with mass spectrometry but at the sacrifice of sensitivity. Subsequent to separation by electrophoresis, proteins in a gel are detected by several staining methods, such as Coomassie blue, silver, and fluorescent staining methods. Learn how your comment data is processed. US3564. al in 1979 which enabled sub-nanogram detection and 50-fold greater sensitivity relative to CBB staining.6 Interestingly, the mechanism behind this sensitivity relies on chemistry thats similar to developing film in photography. Nile red-stained gels could be subsequently electroblotted with an excellent transfer efficiency. CBB R-250 binding to proteins is mainly achieved by electrostatic interaction between sulfonic (SO3) group of dyes and protonated (NH3+) groups of proteins. Has this article on protein staining methods been a boon? Silver diamine complex in an alkaline environment is used in alkaline methods; acidic silver nitrate is used in acidic methods. Therefore, boiling temperature was necessary to obtain a clear band and clean background. Yes here. Animal identification techniques not, Introduction The light or optical microscope is a common lab tool that can be used to visualize structures with sizes below that which can be seen. Dissolve 0.0250.10% (w/v dye) dye in an acidic alcohol formulation [30 50% (v/v) methanol (or, less frequently, ethanol)) with 710% (v/v) acetic acid solution. In spite of the high sensitivity of silver staining and the wide dynamic range of various fluorescent detection methods, Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB) staining remains the most commonly used detection technique for proteins separated by electrophoresis [5], [7]. Affiliation The formulations and protocols are optimized and standardized, helping to minimize the effects of minor differences in day-to-day use. Reviewed and updated January 2022 by Thomas Warwick. Funding: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation (30970055/C010202), Customers purchasing apparatus for the purposes of scientific research or veterinary care affirm adherence to applicable regulatory bodies for the country in which their research or care is conducted. Yes The results showed that this approach has a sensitivity of 10 ng, which is the same as the traditional Coomassie blue stains [16] and other fast Coomassie stains [15], [17] (Fig. It has also been noted as an MS-incompatible method. After electrophoresis, incubate the gel in 0.2 M imidazole, 0.1% Sodium dodecyl sulfate SDS for 15 minutes. Zinc staining is a negative stain that stains the polyacrylamide gel except proteins enabling their detection. Mix-n-Stain CF Dye Antibody Labeling Kits, TrueBlack Lipofuscin Autofluorescence Quencher, Scaling Down to Go Big: An Overview of the Lab-on-a-Chip, Optical Imaging in Tissue with Near-Infrared Dyes, Bring Out Your Dead: v-PCR for Microbial Population and Diversity Studies, Receive 20% Off Your Next Order by Subscribing to Our E-Newsletter, Biotium implements a Quality System, certified by QAS according to Standard QAS ISO 9001:2015. To identify the proteins in the gel, colorimetric and fluorescence staining techniques are used. Advantages: Cost-effective and easy to visualize. At present, SYPRO orange, SYPRO red, Deep Purple, and Flamingo are frequently used in proteomics research. No, Is the Subject Area "Water pollution" applicable to this article? Very fast. Silver staining also has a narrow linear dynamic range (the range at which the level of staining is directly proportional to protein concentration), making it less suitable for quantification. Despite these advantages, CBB lacks sensitivity relative to alternative staining methods (ie. Given that no destaining is required, it must act similarly to colloidal coomassie and stain specifically protein molecules and not the gel. BSA (500 ng) was separated by SDS-PAGE and stained with different acid-soluble CBBR at boiling temperature for 60 s. Added to the water-soluble CBBR staining solution were 0.3% HCl (Lane 1), 0.3% phosphoric acid (Lane 2), and 0.3% acetic acid (Lane 4), respectively. Click here As an Amazon Associate Conductscience Inc earns revenue from qualifying purchases The modern pipette has had a colorful history, Scientific investigations, preclinical research, and pharmacological studies use a number of laboratory animals as subjects. Conceived and designed the experiments: TYW. The entire method takes 15 minutes. This indicates better time-saving ability compared with conventional Coomassie [16] and other fast Coomassie staining methods [15], [17]. Additionally, van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonding contribute to the binding interaction between dye and protein [18]. Coomassie blue staining has the following advantages: low cost, visual inspection, easy operation, convenient scanning procedure for image acquisition, better suitability for quantitative analysis than silver staining, and the capacity to allow possible modifications for fast or highly sensitive staining. No, Is the Subject Area "Boiling" applicable to this article? Ponceau, French for poppy-colored, describes a family of red Azo dyes used as food colorants and histology stains. The technique is compatible with mass spectrometry or microsequencing methods for downstream protein analysis and characterization. Advantages: Cheap with excellent sensitivity. The backgrounds were very difficult to retain (Fig. Silver staining is one of the most sensitive colorimetric methods used for the detection of total protein. Or simply cant be bothered with all that staining and destaining malarkey? CBB R-250 (500 mg) was dissolved in 1000 ml of distilled water by stirring for 24 h. Subsequently, the solution was heated to 50C for complete dissolution of CBB R-250. 4). [3]. However, fluorescent staining is inconvenient because it requires special equipment, such as a fluorescent imaging scanner and an integrator [5][7]. Visualize under UV light or with blue light sources; the protein bands appear orange-red to the eye. Learn more about how fluorescence microscopes work as well as specialized variants that have Overview of Antibody & Protein Labeling Kits, Mix-n-Stain Small Molecule Labeling Kits, View all in Antibody & Protein Labeling Kits, Overview of TrueBlack Background Reducers, Fixation, Permeabilization & Other Buffers, View all in Buffers, Accessories, & Background Reducers, Peroxidase, Galactosidase, Phosphatase, & Other Substrates, Overview of CF Dyes & Other Bioconjugates, View all in Fluorescent Proteins, Nucleotides & Other Conjugates, VivoBrite Rapid Antibody Labeling Kits for Small Animal Imaging, Firefly & Renilla Luciferase Single Tube Assay Kit, Steady-Luc Firefly HTS Assay Kit (Lyophilized), View all in Luciferase Reporter Gene Assays, EvaEZ Fluorometric Polymerase Activity Assay Kit, Dyes For Labeling Carbonyls & Carbohydrates, Tyramides and Tyramide Signal Amplification Kits, View all in Reactive CF Dyes, Other Reactive Dyes & Biotinylation Reagents, View all in Reagents for Nitric Oxide (NO) & Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), CF Dye Single Label Conjugates for STORM, Anti-Epitope Tag & Anti-Biotin Antibodies, View all in Secondary Antibodies, Anti-Tag Antibodies, & Streptavidin, Overview of Probes & Reagents for Neuroscience, Overview of Near-IR WB Antibodies, Buffers, and Normalization Dyes, Membrane & Cell Surface Stains Comparison, View all in Nucleic Acid Gel Stains & Accessories, View all in Nucleic Acid Quantitation & Extraction. Briefly wash the gel with water after staining. Its another coomassie-based protein stain but formulated in such a way to provide one-step visualization of your proteins. Boiling for 3060 s was found to be enough to obtain a clear band (Fig. It provides a sensitivity close to that of silver staining and the properties of classical organic stains such as Coomassie blue. We would know nothing about the microorganisms around us if this incredible instrument did, Need Pipettes for your Lab? InstantBlue protein stain works fast. Zinc ions coupled with imidazole precipitates in the gel matrix. broad scope, and wide readership a perfect fit for your research every time. Id love to be able to tell you how this protein staining method works, but that big registered trademark symbol means theres a bit of an information vacuum. Our method does not require the use of any acid and methanol nor tricarboxylic acid. Disadvantages: Poor sensitivity and reproducibility. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0022394.g001. 3, lane 7). Temperature is a very important factor for protein detection in the protocol. Staining proteins following SDS-PAGE or 2-dimensional electrophoresis is necessary for visualizing a global population of proteins or checking the expression of your recombinant proteins. All reagents used were of analytical grade. Protein gels are impregnated with silver ions (Ag+) which bind to various amino acid functional groups. Never waste antibody with these optimized kits for labeling phycobiliproteins. The gel images were acquired by Tocan 240 system (Tocan Biotechnology Corporation, Shanghai, China) in a UV-1 mode. Sundaram., N. The epicocconone stain is a fluorescent stain that was isolated from the fungus Epicoccum nigrum. Moreover, the staining is irreversible and for gel use only and therefore not suited for downstream analysis such as mass spectrometry or western blotting. BSA (500 ng) was separated by SDS-PAGE, and the separated gels were washed with different types of water: running water (Lane 1), distilled water (Lane 2), and double-distilled water (Lane 3) and stained with water-soluble CBBR solution at boiling temperature for 60 s. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0022394.g004. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Xinxiang Medical University, Xinxiang, Henan, China. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0022394.g003. Moreover, membranes prestained with CBB must be completely destained or the dye may interfere with downstream analysis. Important considerations to help you obtain the best possible data for your next v-PCR experiment. Second, the classical Coomassie staining can be accelerated by microwaving the gel until the stain or destain solution just begins to boil and let the gel rock at RT for 5 min, each time. It is generally considered as the standard for other ultrasensitive staining methods. CBB is widely popular in labs because the staining is cost-effective and easy to visualize. The staining method for protein identification in gel should be chosen based on its sensitivity and downstream analysis techniques. Unlike colorimetric or fluorescent protein stains where staining is done after running your gel, VersaBlot is added to your sample before electrophoresis and can be used for downstream western blot normalization. Additionally, the ease of use and high reproducibility of SYPRO Ruby as a total protein stain provided a superior method for western blot normalization over traditional house-keeping proteins.1Over a decade later, several other fluorescence-based protein stains have been developed including LI-COR REVERT, Bio-Rad Stain-Free and Amersham Quickstain. Advantages: Convenient, sensitive with a wide linear range. Proteins could be easily recovered from the gel after staining. Enter SYPRO Ruby, a ruthenium based fluorescent dye that was developed by Molecular Probes in 2000.7SYPRO Ruby staining allowed for silver stain sensitivity but with greater linear range and compatibility with downstream analysis. The increased sensitivity of this protein staining method over classical coomassie makes it great for experiments involving low protein levels, such as analyzing binding proteins in co-IPs, especially when youre considering quantifying the protein bands using mass spectrometry. There was no significant difference between washing with distilled water and washing with double-distilled water. Protein samples were loaded into the individual wells, and electrophoresis processed 1 mA/cm gel in the stacking gels and 2 mA/cm gel in the separating gels. The classical coomassie protein staining method is cheap and easy, but is considerably less sensitive than silver staining, making visualization of low abundance proteins difficult. Zinc ion staining utilizes the ability of proteins and protein-SDS complexes to bind and sequester Zn2+ in the gel, causing the precipitation with opaque background, contrasting with transparent protein-SDS-Zn2+ zones. If you want more information on and protocols for different silver protein staining methods, including those for use with mass spectrometry, check out this paper by Chevallet etal. Stain the gel for 1 hour in an aqueous solution into which an aliquot of the fluorophore stock solution is diluted. This protein staining method is my personal favorite for simple tasks such as visualization of recombinant proteins, or generated antibodies, as its simple and quick to perform. This method is an adaptation of classical coomassie staining that uses a modified coomassie dye (G-250 instead of R-250). silver stain, fluorescence) and has a narrow linear range. here. Moreover, the protocol required only two reagents (Coomassie blue and distilled water) for the staining solution; fixing and destaining are performed only with distilled water. VersaBlot, Convenient, Highly-Linear and Reversible. Thus, it is more time-saving compared with any other protein-staining methods. Briefly destain the gel with 10% (v/v) methanol and 7% (v/v) acetic acid. The addition of 10% acetic acid to the destaining solution can also help in achieving better destaining effects. Click through the PLOS taxonomy to find articles in your field. Another disadvantage of silver staining is that the use of formaldehyde when fixing the gel makes silver staining incompatible with mass spectrometry. The gels can be viewed under UV light or with green light sources; the protein bands appear pale red. 1). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 Science Squared - all rights reserved, Analytical Chemistry and Chromatography Techniques, Protein detection and quantitation technologies for gel-based proteome analysis, Silver staining of proteins in polyacrylamide gels, Fast and sensitive coomassie staining in quantitative proteomics, Chevallet M, Luche S, and Rabilloud T (2006). This article explains the pros and cons of three of the most common protein staining methods: silver staining, coomassie brilliant blue staining, and InstantBlue staining. And like the other coomassie-based stains its fully compatible with mass spectrometry. Silver staining can detect ~ 1 ng of protein [1] which makes it extremely useful for applications involving low protein levels. These reagents are not only expensive but also cause environmental pollution. A guide for protein staining should rightfully begin with the most widely used protein stain, Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB). BSA (500 ng) was separated by SDS-PAGE and stained with water-soluble CBBR solution at boiling temperature for 30 s (Lane 1), 60 s (Lane 2), and 120 s (Lane 3) and at room temperature for 1 h (Lane 4), 6 h (Lane 5), 14 h (Lane 6), and 24 h (Lane 7). Advantages: Convenient, sensitive, wide linear range and compatible with multiple downstream analysis. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) and CBB R-250 were purchased from Takara Co., Ltd., Japan. The stains include anionic dyes (Coomassie brilliant blue), metal cations (imidazole-zinc), silver stain, fluorescent dyes, and radioactive probes. Like CBB, Ponceau also binds to proteins non-covalently through ionic and hydrophobic interactions. 3). Use For: Membrane stain only as quick method to verify protein transfer efficiency for western blotting. The Neuhoff's Chinacolloidal Coomassie Blue G-250 staining has a detection limit of approximately 10 ng of protein per spot [16]. In the dye stain, no acids are needed for the staining solution preparation. Yes, what Min has said about microwaving your gel is right. You just have to soak the gel in chloroform for 1 min wash it MQ water until the chloroform is removed and then view it under UV light. Thanks for that extra info Min! Sign up for our feature-packed newsletter today to ensure you get the latest expert help and advice to level up your lab work. The protocol comprises staining and quick washing steps, which can be completed in 0.5 h. It has a sensitivity of 10 ng, comparable with that of conventional Coomassie Brilliant Blue G staining with phosphoric acid in the staining solution. It also allows a stable sequence coverage with a capacity for spots identification. PLoS ONE 6(8): Colloidal coomassie has a detection limit of ~ 10 ng, making it about an order of magnitude more sensitive than classical coomassie. High-fluorescent background and photostability are the limitations of this staining technique. However, the necessity of a fluorescent scanner makes it expensive. No, Is the Subject Area "Electrophoretic staining" applicable to this article? When the gels were washed using tap water, the bands were clear, but the sensitivity was worse than those of the bands washed with distilled water and double-distilled water (Fig. His dissertation research focused primarily on mechanisms of mitochondrial protein import. Discover a faster, simpler path to publishing in a high-quality journal. Use for: A convenient method for western blot normalization and downstream multi-color near-IR protein detection. The upshot of this is low reproducibility. It is an azaphilone that reacts with primary amines and NH3to produce red fluorescent compounds which detect proteins in the gels. The mechanism for hot fast CBB staining with the rise of temperature is possibly because of the increasing speed of the molecules of the dye and proteins. We found that water has slight effect on the staining results (Fig. Silver staining may just be what you need. This creates a visible image. No, Is the Subject Area "Distillation" applicable to this article? Despite the advantages of simplicity, time-saving ability, and environmental friendliness, several disadvantages exist, such as the need to boil the staining solution, unclear background, etc. The CBB has a low affinity for the polyacrylamide, but it does penetrate the gel matrix, necessitating a destaining step. Discard the developer and wash the gel for several times, with water, 1 minute per wash. Store the gel in 0.5% (w/v) sodium carbonate. In honor of our newly released protein prestain, VersaBlot, we decided to give our readers a guide for the some of the most common protein stains which includes a close look at their origins, advantages and limitations. Stain the gel in silver nitrate solution (0.2% silver nitrate and 0.076% formalin) for 20 minutes, followed by two washes in water. The running buffer was prepared from 25 mM Tris base, 0.2 M glycine, and 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) with pH of 8.3. Therefore, we suggest boiling the solution at a lower temperature to avoid breakage of the sheet. Originally written and published September 2012 by Laura Grassie.

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