Through these disciplines God talks to us, and we talk to God. Make my mind alert, my soul active and my heart responsive. Daily quiet time will grow your faith strong. A Template for Quiet Times. Quiet time is the intentional time spent with God in meditative silence. 4.Be Consistent We have to be renewed to become stronger in our faith. HOW TO HAVE A DAILY QUIET TIME WITH GOD . This is sacred time and space. A consistent daily quiet time with God not only blesses you but also the ones around you. Without those disciplines in a consistent manner, we would soon be operating out of the flesh and no longer growing a vibrant relationship with God. Surround me with Your presence during this time. Since daily quiet time is a fellowship with Jesus, you want to be able to talk to Him and hear from Him. As you get alone with God, let His Spirit quiet your heart and fill your mind with truth. Number 1: I pray as Im reading the scriptures. THE IMPORTANCE OF A DAILY QUIET TIME . Start to slow by preparing for your quiet time with a period of silence, praise, or reflection. Just like we take time to eat every day in order to keep up our health and strength, our spirits need feeding also. God what does this mean? Listening to Him. A Quiet Time is a daily personal appointment with God, during which we get away from distractions and meet with God through prayer, praise, and Bible study. We see ourselves as "spiritual but not religious." Why is Connecting Daily with God through a Quiet Time so Important? It reminds us that we belong to God. It creates room for God in our busy lives. It builds our relationship with God through regular communication. It helps give direction to our lives as followers of Jesus Christ. 4:4). Scripture equips us for every good work and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness ( 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ). Thinking about Him. It is one on one time with the Creator of the universe. I. Theres no downside to pursuing God. He loves us more than anyone else ever will or ever could. He knows everything about us and our future. And He longs to spend time with us! Read Psalm 27:8 and let these words become your mindset, You have said, Seek my face. It is a date with a lifelong friend. It is soul restorative moments of rejuvenation. It is the barometer of the Christian life. Copy down verses you love or verses you need!Jot down ways to apply the Scripture you just read.Make lists of your prayer requests and write out your prayers (this is especially helpful if you have a hard time staying focused while praying like me!)Journal your goals and write about your one word (like I did in the photo).More items In this video, I share with you the Essentials of a Daily Quiet Time with Jesus. Do not mourn. Jesus said, I choose you! (John 15:16) It creates room for God in our busy lives. Your time alone with God should be the top priority in your schedule for five reasons: 1. Scripture simply invites us into a closer relationship with our Add Beautiful Things: There are a variety of ways to worship God. The Goal of Quiet time with God Quiet time with God is simply spending time with Him. A daily quiet time is the key for those personal, one-on-one conversations to happen. Quiet Time Lowers Your Stress We live in a pressure cooker world. [2-3 Minutes] Preparing for the meeting. Talking to Him. We need a spiritual refill every day. Thats what the Holy Spirit is there for! And you might also have heard of the observe-interpret-apply method of reading and studying the Bible. RELATED Devotions for Women: Words That Will Grow Your Faith 4. Your Bible is very important for in it lie the answers to lifes big questions. I incorporate this into my prayer time, but I break it up. We were created to have fellowship with God. Prayer is so key for having a quiet time with God. This resource comes with daily Bible readings, songs to sing, prayers, and short stories from church history for inspiration. There are two ways I pray during my quiet time. It cannot just be an intake of the Word. Give yourself also the opportunity to reflect on your chosen passage for that certain day. The template for our quiet times, then, is as simple as combining our template for studying the Scripture and our ACTS template for prayer. Prayer is how we talk to You do this by beginning it with a prayer for Him to give you wisdom. How to Make Quiet Time With God a RoutineMove the alarm clock. Moving your alarm clock seems like an insignificant piece of advice, but getting out of bed is a necessary step if you want to prioritize Pick one place. Decide where you want to have your morning quiet time. Study what interests you. Your morning quiet time is your time to be with God. Start small. The goal of a daily quiet time is to seek God through prayer and Bible study. There are no requirements about the length of time or time of day. A quiet time is how God brings rest and This morning I read Isaiah 40:31: But those Holy Spirit how can I apply this? We have to get into the habit of reading the Bible with God. Talk to God. You might pray, Lord, cleanse my heart so You can speak to me through the Scriptures. His Word, even a soft whisper, will nourish your soul and grow your faith. It reminds us that we belong to God. Quiet time can be a set time or intermittent moments where you steal away in order to connect with your Abba father. Both resources can help add structure to your quiet time. We need to interact with God's word, listen to His promptings, meditate on His truths and then apply those truths to our lives. This section on Finding a sacred space is meant to bring balance. 3 Steps to a Daily Quiet Time Preparing Your Heart ( minute) Invest the first 30 seconds preparing your heart. Many in AA and other 12-Step Fellowships have difficulties with religion and with the Bible. Stephen Olford on the quiet time - Daily communion with God is more than a commendable practice; it is absolutely vital to a life of sustained spirituality and maturity. FOUR | A suggested pattern for a quiet time with God. But with one little nuance: sandwiching your Scripture reading between the parts of the prayer so that youre praying before and after. Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" (Matt. The goal in preparation is to move from thinking about the cares of the world to thinking about your relationship with God. Nehemiah 8:11 Voice The phrase quiet time would indicate two things there should be quiet, and we should devote time. In my experience, there has been more emphasis on time than quiet. 6 Elements of a Daily Quiet Time with God You may have heard of the ACTS prayer, which stands for adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. Quiet time is a daily time set apart to meet with the Lord. DEFINITION: "A quiet time is a daily time I set aside to be alone with God to get to know Him through the Bible and prayer." Unfortunately, art is one of the things that get set aside when it comes to quiet time. It's an appointment with God - a time to connect and fellowship with Him; to still our heart and listen to His voice, to bask in the warmness of His love for us and being confidence of His deep love, to

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