And then I've just gotten into the habit of about every week, maybe every other week I'll get in and add like one or two emails to the end of it and just keep just keep stacking on the end. I mean, obviously, if you sit down and batch it, I'm a big fan of the batcher. That writer will write them all up and stuff and come back to her. [00:32:44.880] - Spencer MechamBut at the beginning doesn't have to be that hard. And so if you can get that built, you can get that that asset of an email sequence built that's six months to a year long. These statistics are important for us to improve our website and related advertisements. 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But yes, I mean, it's surprising how it's got a bad connotation, because if you go find any company that you like, you know, any company that you're using in your day to day stuff, you'll probably go find that they have an affiliate program. I'm also getting new, fresh people into that every every month as well. Recommend Hamacama to others and receive 10% of the turnover for each referral. [00:24:17.120] - Spencer MechamShe format's does everything. But if your content is like relevant to something timely, you know, that day and stuff you're content can blow up like really quickly. So I was probably the weakest thing I did. The answer is, it depends on you! [00:08:07.750] - Spencer MechamI ran into them about that same time and really, really lucrative affiliate program for a couple of reasons they had. affiliate banners or links. What is, you know, like is you start to advance. You know what's. [00:20:04.060] - Spencer MechamSo it's like I can wear shorts to work, I make a YouTube video about the whole experience and make some money that way, you know. And if they are, maybe I guess it's worth it, but I don't think they are[00:47:28.730] - Rob Cosmanor somebody else outsourced to that guy to go do it. So I love it because it's it's similar to what I do anyway. [00:44:34.080] - Spencer MechamSo it's got to affiliate secrets, its on version two right now, I'm in the middle of building version three people to get version two. That as you get into it like you're saying, you start to realize like a good employee or a good contractor is hard to find someone who just does what they say is actually so hard to find. Sometimes they're good, sometimes they're not good and it's[00:40:05.450] - Spencer Mechamsometimes they disappear and take your money and run. [00:34:27.870] - Rob CosmanSo what's your what's what's kind of your lifestyle now. So he does all the video editing. Like, just just get on a TikTok, go see go pick a niche or a category, go see what everyone else is doing. Simple and easy. [00:44:23.320] - Rob CosmanCool. But it's everything I know, everything I've learned. I still make five to ten grand this month, you know, and so we'll start turning like, whoa, this is a model I can I can get behind. [00:41:37.890] - Spencer MechamYou found the guy on fiverr? So I've got it down. I hate it in the podcast. All she gets is the titles. [00:40:36.950] - Rob CosmanYeah. To find the products that are hot and whatever else it is you do on Amazon because I don't do Amazon, but I know that these Amazon sellers are using softwares and all kinds of things. [00:10:55.340] - Rob CosmanYeah. [00:29:33.320] - Spencer MechamI can't make a YouTube video, figure out how it all works, you know, and then it's been nine months figuring out how it works. How do you plan out your your week? [00:13:39.100] - Spencer MechamKind of fifty fifty now. And obviously, you know, if anyone's tried anything online, the first year was not not what it was expected. accounts cost 49.95 for you to accept credit cards through them then 1.00 And so I switched over probably March of this year to almost just a straight nine to five. [00:13:06.340] - Spencer MechamToyota forerunner, but it's a cool Toyota forerunner. [00:11:17.840] - Spencer MechamYeah, yeah. They accept the payment for you by credit card and What's your weekly? If someone orders a product using your link, you will earn 25% of the total value of the basket (tax not included). [00:41:31.140] - Rob CosmanYou just told me there's a guy doing that who's writes your blogs. But I prefer "pay per sale," which Our program is simple to set up and start promotion. [00:28:25.160] - Spencer MechamThat's I was just I flashed over to this week's like, what what do I have on the agenda this week? But but if I mean, if I needed to and I was like, hey, I'm done with this business, I could snip it all and that would still continue to slowly peter out. We come up with 50 titles. It's great for growth. We look forward to hearing from you! [00:10:54.430] - Spencer MechamAd revenue? So I've got three people that work for me, that I'm paying out full time salaries for that. And and there was a side hustle, right? Just click here. So it's really drudgers work and, you know, 15 bucks an hour wasn't worth the drudgery of it. [00:09:14.890] - Spencer MechamAnd so it was great to be able to find a company that can do all that well, you know, and I just got to get the leads in the door and let the company take over. Like YouTube basically tuned in and said, hey, this guy's he's honing in on a niche. I want to get other people involved. at downloading this script and doing it yourself. Yeah, he found the guy on five that's doing it right. I want a car. It's pretty much 40 grand[00:22:48.190] - Spencer MechamIt would be to me if I like, cut you know it's like cut the cord and totally disappear to get there. Hey you got a free car out of it, right? So they have recurring commissions, which means they're a software company. I've got two in the Philippines and one in the U.S., and I'm just getting at three in the Philippines, one in the U.S. and that poor employee got forgotten that he's a better off for like two weeks. sales. It's it's a vacuum cleaner review website is what it was. Oh, it would be. Thanks for having me. [00:10:49.630] - Rob CosmanDo you still get do you get ads from YouTube as well? And essentially they they pay people with influence, like people with audiences to promote their product to the audience. *Design custom banners that target your audience. Whatever program you choose, make sure it's easy to setup and user friendly We can very clearly see Click Funnels is with all this whole channel is about. [00:06:37.450] - Spencer MechamYeah. Everybody is just full of it. OK, so is that kind of still your main you know focus is click funnels or because you've got your own courses, your are you promoting other offers or are you just are you still kind of doing the affiliate marketing or are you more about I'll teach you how to affiliate market? And I mean I mean, with my blog manager a couple of times a week to kind of talk to different post that are going out and stuff like that. [00:37:32.990] - Spencer MechamAnd so I give it to the first guy and he gets back to me like an hour later and he's like, hey, my whole website just went down and I can't log into my back and my, you know, my dashboard was broken and my website front is broken. If he didn't, then he'd probably hate me forever. But these guys are pretty good, especially go ahead[00:26:43.220] - Rob CosmanWhere they based out of. But a lot of selling going on. You know, it's always like to just, you know, what else have you been able to do? Simple seamless integration with your website. For every purchase a visitor makes you will receive commission. And then one day I you know, you're kind of curious, like, I wonder what's going on on YouTube. [00:25:28.610] - Spencer MechamSo it's really cool. HOW DO I GET STARTED REFERRING CUSTOMERS? It's linking, internal linking, figured out, gets them all posted and scheduled out and and does that. So whatever that customer pays click funnels for the rest of their life, I will not make 40% of it, which is awesome. [00:26:00.830] - Spencer MechamRight. You know, I got my first ten, but now I've got ten videos out there that are all kind of bringing in leads steadily and twenty videos. That, that was when I quit my job. If you need help with If you have any questions, you can contact us. [00:14:59.380] - Spencer MechamRight. Maybe you've been marketing Amazon products on that platform. [00:46:54.230] - Rob CosmanYou know, this again, this is why we can't have anything nice people join the other day, literally, somebody join my group and I'm the same as you like. [00:17:49.720] - Spencer MechamThere's search and there's social and typically social is like you're trying about Twitter like it's it's one and done. And if you get they get one hundred sales tracked to your link, you get a percentage of each sale. CGI, contact -- his work and rates are excellent. But still. Right. Clickbank (515) 999-LAZY, Famous Catholic Saints and Holidays (Santo), The Several Benefits of Sleeping in a Hammock. I talked a lot about email. The important thing It's a good time. See FAQs below for more information. [00:06:57.310] - Spencer MechamI was actually like trying to send Instagram traffic to YouTube videos, like I said, throwing things at walls and hoping some sticks. Do you have a website, app or blog? And you're going to run on issues like this all the time unless I start from scratch and then really build this. Besides PPC there are several ways to earn more revenue with the affiliate program. The Partner Program works according to the affiliate marketing model. It wasn't built properly. affiliate marketing network that We sell our products exclusively on and are looking for partners who want to draw attention to us in the form of coupons or links. Thank you so much. various data delivery options, and The nice thing about a third party You may or may not have taken that, but it's it's at there's free like get started with email marketing, get started affiliate marketing, how to do copywriting and how to sell with copy, things like that. And if I can get a lead in and the leads up for the software, you know, paying anywhere from one to three hundred dollars a month, I will now make 40% of the lifetime value of that customer. And, you know, all these all these dreams are dashed after two or three months of working away at it. to join and much more. I find someone that's about a fifth of the cost and the original guy and he is really good. The thumbnail is bad. [00:21:52.530] - Spencer MechamYep, yeah. I could start pumping out content on Facebook right now, like adding friends billion audience pumping out content. You don't have to go to the nine to five, like, what is what's fun?, 1) And you could contrast that with Google, right where the first six months of creating a blog, you're probably going to get like ten total visitors from Google. You'll want to make sure whatever you buy offers the Outsource your affiliate program to ClickTrade and they'll take care Because you don't have to go into a job. pay out. And over the past four years it's grown into a, you know, six, seven figure business all done from home. If you want to pick something to teach people and to to be your category, try to try to always think, is there another level down I can go because the less generic you are, the more specific you are in choosing this category. give you a powerful sales force which will extend your reach on the Net. I was like, I'm really good at marketing sending leads, but I'm not good at everything after that, like the funnels and the follow up and all that nurturing stuff.

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