I think it's a pitty, because with the serial strip film adaptor SA-21 it is impossible to scan a single negative which often remains when developing a film. Even an APS film adaptor >from the old series (bright finishing) made no problems. The following times are detected with the SF-210 and scanning with auto focus and auto exposure for every slide. With the aid of the user guide or the quick start guide the installation is no problem even for beginners. The cover of the APS adaptor is locked then and can not be opened any more. The new slide mount adaptor MA-21 has got an integrated cover protecting the scanner's interior against dust. The 35mm strip film holder SA-21 comes to its limits when scanning greatly curled or curved film strips. So you should clean the rolls from time to time! The whole user guide is available in six languages. So an image in the FH-3 is handled like a single mounted frame and you can only scan one image at once. So much for the standard equipment, now we'll gaze all the expensive extras. The APS adaptor is installed in the scanner just like the strip film holder until it locks in place. The film then gets drawn in automatically. But when you have to send your scanner to service or want to lend it to your friend, you always have to attach a film adaptor in order that the interior is protected. Just like copiers the slide feeder too has known problems like jams, feeding twice, feeding nothing, etc. Therefore, when the cover was closed, the scanner's interior was securely protected against dust. When scanning APS films the grain equalization GEM proved its worth so that I always turn it on by default. Often a whole family life is documented in a wardrobe full of slide magazines. Nikon uses high-class lenses. NikonScan is so good and extensive in the meantime that you can perfectly use it for comfortably producing very good scans. Finally there are individual sliders for the scanner's special features ICE, which is the dust and scratches correction, the grain equalization GEM, the colour restoration ROC and the exposure extender DDE. I had never problems with Kodak APS films though. However Nikon was front-runner concerning the prices as well. That applies to all film scanners. At first glance the new Version 4 doesn't seem to have changed a lot compared to the old version. The image quality provided by this scanner is brilliant, particularily with problematic images like night shots. You can adjust all scan settings in a palette window: image format (portrait or landscape) and image size can be set in different ways and units. The weak computing power additionally thwarts the ICE. When unpacking the scanners it became already clear that Nikon has rationalised: two identical boxes with different labelling, same wrapping and packaging inside, the same film adaptor, same connection cable, same software and even the same user guide - only the scanners are different, but not formally. First time customers of a film scanner naturally don't have got this problem, but accessories are also available second hand - hence this chapter. And who wants to apply filters to his scan afterwards, for example to sharpen the image, finds almost boundless possibilities here, too. You get a manual with 70 pages per language which explain installation and operation of the scanner and the software detailed and understandable. With the strip film adaptor SA-21 you'll know the true promise of batch scans the first time. With an index scan you'll get thumbnails of all images on the film. There is a special setting for Kodachromes in the scan software, and only with this setting the colours match the originals. For example I have already scanned transparent cut preparates of different kind of rocks for a mineralogist. Rating the speed of a film scanner is a very hard thing, because many factors play a decisive role, which you don't necessarily think of. You can get the optional FH-3 strip film holder. I am very pleased with my Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED and wouldn't exchange it for the old Coolscan 4000 anymore considering the lunatic speed. The Scan Image Enhancer is also a very useful feature that must not be turned on permanently. You could put single loose transparencies into slide mounts as well, if you want to spare the optional FH-3. Why doesn't the software perform an automatic update or doesn't automatically uninstall the old components? But it's really comfortable to scan a whole APS film at once: if you make the desired settings after prescanning for example image #1, then you can assign these settings to all other images and scanning the whole film proceeds fully automatically in batch mode. We already know this programm for transferring our images from the camera to the computer, for viewing the images, sorting them, creating slide shows and so on. A system with more than the minimum amount of memory is recommended. This function is very important with the new Nikon LS-5000 because this scanner hasn't got a front cover anymore, which could be used to simply close the scanner when not in use. Digital ICE (Image Correction & Enhancement) removes dust, scratches and fingerprints from scanned images, Digital ROC (Reconstruction Of Color) recreates and restores faded color values for vivid, faithfully rendered images, Digital GEM (Grain Equalization & Management) equalizes image grain for sharp, clear images with no clumping or graininess, Digital DEE (Dynamic Exposure Extender) helps reveal details lost in shadows and highlights, New Scan Image Enhancer for one-touch image correction, Optional SLIDE FEEDER SF-210 for up to 50 mounted slides, Optional ROLL FILM ADAPTER SA-30 for uncut film rolls of up to 40 frames, Layout-free design lets users position the scanner vertically or horizontally to best meet their individual requirements, Driver software Nikon Scan 4 features an intuitive GUI (Graphical User Interface) that enables easy, comprehensive scanner control, Easy Scanning Guide CD-ROM helps users setup and operate the scanner, Nikon View Software for simplified viewing and archiving of scanned images. Users of WindowsXP, Windows2000 Professional or MacOS X whose computer is not equipped with USB 2.0 can install a RATOC PCU3U USB 2.0 interface board (for more information, visit RATOC Systems Web site). If you run NikonScan indirectly via an image editing software you'll get up to six windows with the image(s) for editing. Using the old APS film adaptor IA-20(S) with the new Super Coolscan 5000 ED worked well too. Just to demonstrate to what extent the PC affects the scanning times I connected the Nikon Coolscan 5000 to another computer with the following key data: Pentium processor 1,6 GHz, 768 MB RAM, USB 1.1 port. It's nice indeed, if the film is neatly spooled onto a large drum, but scanning film rolls works well without a film drum on the back side of the scanner, too. Above all the scanner is very fast, faster than every other film scanner, and this is the most important improvement compared to the predecessor LS-4000 ED. Rumors of every discription was spread. *** Note: Depending on the type of interface installed, USB will operate at high speed (USB 2.0 only; maximum transfer rate 480Mbps) or full speed (USB 1.1/USB 2.0; maximum transfer rate 12Mbps). The scanning times are longer when scanning negatives instead of positives. You can indeed define the scan area as usual with a frame, but if the scanner can't correctly distinguish the single frames on the film roll (for example with several night shots) you can find the correct images by setting the image position manually. Let's deal with the scan software Nikon Scan. So who still owns an old slide feeder or can buy one for good terms does not have to be concerned. Nikon specifies the possible mount thickness between 1,0 and 3,2 mm (0,4 - 1,3 in.) Hence Nikon specifies the scanner's density range with 4,8. The user interface looks virtually identical, the settings work as known. That's really comfortable! It's very important for good image editing that the file contains all necessary image information, and I can fully approve that for the LS-5000ED. Of course John Doe purchases exactly one scanner and hence only benefits indirectly from this feature, for example when downloading a new version of the software. The 35mm roll film adaptor consists of two parts: the film roll feeder resembles the supplied strip film holder from Nikon. For scanning single mounted slides with the MA-21 the upright position is advisable, because the slide is inserted horizontally into the adaptor. With this tool the image is not only scanned repeatedly but also with different exposure settings. with the highest resolution is a benchmark for all filmscanners! And last but not least the scan software delivers very good images and really makes the best out of the connected scanner. The Super Coolscan 5000 ED comes up with a set of image enhancement and correction techniques. With such stocks of films you won't get far with single scans or with film holders carrying 4-6 slides at once. But what is this programm used for with a film scanner? Using an USB 1.1 port instead of the 2.0 version considerably extends scanning time, mainly when working with the highest resolution. An innocent feature with partly groundbreaking effects! This strip film holder was previously supplied with the Nikon 35mm film scanners LS-40ED / LS-4000ED but now it has to be purchased separately as optinal accessory for the new Coolscan 5 and Super Coolscan 5000. Attaching the film drum to the backside of the film scanner is more difficult: first of all you have to attach a connecting piece with three screws to the backside of the Coolscan 5000. If you scan an image with 48 Bit colour depth and save the outcome in the TIF format, you'll have all image information in a large file, so that you can make a virtually perfect digital image by editing it afterwards. The dimensions and the form are the same as its predecessor's. A lot of stars, dust (in space, not on the image) and clouds disappear. With the SA-21 it is possible to scan 35mm film strips with up to six frames automatically. For APS-photographers there is the APS adaptor IA-20. There is no limitation in the length of the object slide, but the scan area is as big as the normal 35mm frames - about 23x35 mm. Back to my statement that all settings which can be made within the scan software except ICE can be made with the image editing software, too. Can the software be recommended? A good image is first of all made by a good film scanner, second by the scan software and third by the following image editing. With the scan software SilverFast Ai Studio the Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED can be used with actual operating systems, too. So this design works flawlessly. For doing so you have to buy SilferFast separately. ICE works that good with the Nikon that I always keep it turned on, except for scanning B&W shots or Kodachrome images. And I'd like to mention a very pleasant one right at the beginning: you can choose for which scanners you want to use the program for already at the installation. The back side of the Super Coolscan 5000 also differs from his little brother: there is an opening for the 35mm roll film adaptor, which can be used to digitise whole 35mm film rolls at once. Computer: even though you might think that the scanner does a better part of the work, the computer to which the scanner is connected has to handle huge data volumes. In this regard many a cheap discounter licks the expensive competitor Nikon. In this case only restarting the scan software and rewinding the film by clicking the appropriate button helps. ICE works perfectly with the Nikon 5000: dust, scratches, fingerprints, lint etc. Who already knows Silverfast from his flat bed scanner or even already owned another film scanner with Silverfast doesn't want to become acquaintetd with another scan software of course, because handling this kind of software correctly requires a lot of time. But if the corresponding area can be neatly displayed by adjusting the levels with Photoshop, I speak about a good scan. But what if you want to digitise a whole slide magazine with exactly 100 images at once in batch mode? NikonScan provides the opportunity to save and load complete sets of settings. You can place up to 6 single loose negatives or positives in the FH-3 and poition them exactly between the bridges. The slide scanner Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 can operate either in horizontal or vertical position. There was much speculation over Nikon's launch of a new product range. You will clearly see the difference to the old LS-4000 when batch scanning mounted slides: it's amazing how fast the new Nikon chases the slides through the feeder (if there is no jam). Most other film scanners fail with this special task. You'll easily realize the importance of the scan software when using a cheap film scanner. Every professional photographer would agree to this statement. The scan area plays a decisive role. By the way I've also tested the new feeder SF-210 with the old LS-4000 - there was no problem as well. The separate quick start guide was much more useful to me though. But what would all those settings which can be comfortably adjusted one after another be, if they could not be saved? The inserted film meterial is fixed in the film holder with a spring lock so that it can not slip. While the Coolscan 4000 was standing on four rubber knobs, the new Coolscan 5000 is bordered by two rubber-like plastic attachments, so that it has a skid-proof stand on the desktop both horizontally and vertically. The details and the dynamic range are sensational. I think it's a pitty that Nikon abandoned the Firewire port - all my computers have this port which worked well with former scanner types. While the lack of a front cover is in my opinion a big drawback, I can live with the missing SilverFast software and strip film holder FH-3, because these parts still can be purchased separately. Even if the computer crashes the cover stays locked as long as the film wasn't rewind back into the cartridge. The scan software is very clearly arranged and easy to learn. The slides are automatically transported from the lower drawer into the scanner and after the scan is complete back out into the other drawer. A scan of an underexposed image though will be too dark as well if scanned with the standard settings. I've always said: it's not only the scanner that makes the image, it's also the software. Those who have five different Nikon scanners of different generations on their desktop (like me) will be very happy about not having to install every single driver separately. Ancient, faded images suddenly appear like newly shot, just like restored. The horizontal and vertical lines of the second element of the sixth group are still clearly visible - the corresponding resolution is 3650 dpi. In such cases, after the index scan which tried to split up the single frames of a film strip automatically, it's hand time: you can set up the image position with the Nikon software using the menu item "Scanner Extras". The FH-3 is plugged into the slide mount adaptor MA-21. I've already mentioned that Nikon does not ship its new models of film scanners with Silverfast anymore. Newly-developed, high-quality 2-line CCD sensor. By turning the small wheel you can move the metal bar back and forth. After all Nikon was indisputably leading the market in all classes concerning quality and possibilities with the LS-40, Super Coolscan 4000 and the Super Coolscan 9000. You gently insert the film strip (positive or negative) into the strip film holder. This means that there is 16 bits per colour channel (red, green, blue) available for the scanner, so it can differentiate 65.536 colours (explanation see our page colour depth). It's annoying when suddenly the progress bar stands still in the middle of the scan process and nothing happens for a couple of minutes. For "normal" and semiprofessional users even the Elements verison of Photoshop is too comprehensive to tap the full potential. But the actual application for owners of a Nikon film scanner should be the possibility to process NEF images. The altered stands immediately catch one's eye though. Slides with double sided glass mounts get stuck almost categorically and can even damage the feeder. For dear money you'll get a film adaptor which is plugged into the front of the scanner just as any other adaptor. There are people who are so sworn in the leading scansoftware Silverfast, that they depreciate any other program as crab without looking at it any closer. The scanner then automatically retracts the film to the right position. My old roll film adaptor SA-30(S) could also be attached to the new Super Coolscan 5000 ED without difficulty and there was no problems when scanning whole film rolls. After all the strip film holder not only has to carry the film material but also transport and correctly align it. So I conclude that the Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED has got an effective resolution of horizontal 4100 dpi and vertical 3650 dpi, thus it averages about 3900 dpi. This test report describes the test object as we have received and tested it. Unfortunately Nikon removed the strip film holder FH-3 from the scope of delivery. This is a sensational performance, which just characterizes a Nikon scanner. Suddenly customers were able to purchase Nikon scanners about 50% cheaper in the USA than in Europe. the data is generated in a very short time. Where are the limits of Photoshop Elements? That's great! What has changed and what are the features of the new SF-210? NEF is Nikon's own raw format which can be selected as output file format when scanning with NikonScan. With the Nikon 5000 an original can not only be scanned once in a time, but up to 16 times. Furthermore you can switch the Scan Image Enhancer (automatic setting of brightness and contrast) on and off. This ensures a fast data transfer. Second is the scanner's expandability with several optional film adaptors. Of course these are theoretic values which are unattainable in practice. GEM works very well with very coarse grained film material. DDE and a Scan Image Enhancer have been newly added. The scan software NikonScan offers to the user a multitude of settings to immediately perform a good looking fine scan after the prescan. Inserting thinner slides theoretically is no problem, but there is often problems with the transport of those slides, so that you'd better scan them individually. But I don't want to ignore those users who are not familiar with using gradation curves: for them the DDE slider is a comfortable way to get more details into very dark image areas. What to do if you have single loose negatives or positives as they often remain when developing the film in photographic labs? For setting the colour there is gradation curves, colour balance sliders, a LCH editor and an analog-amplifying slider. How many people have thousands or even ten thousands of mounted 35mm slides in magazines, boxes and other containers, whitch they'd like to digitise? The slide mount adaptor MA-21 and his predecessor respectivley proved themselves during the years. The Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED possesses a powerful autofocus tool. The new Nikon considerably gained speed and hence outpaces its competitors even more decidedly than its predecessor already did. Considering this I can only compliment Reflecta's sales policy, because virtually all of their scanners can not only handle film strips but film rolls as well. But the scanning time is at all hazards sensationally short when scanning a single slide with auto focus, auto exposure and ICE turned on: 1:11 min. I can only confirm rumors which accuse a certain blur to the ICE process insofar that in areas where big dust particles have to be corrected away with the surrounding pixels a certain impression of blur inevitably occurs. I really do miss one appreciable feature in the light version: batch processing of images - whether embedded in the program or as separate batch processing software. You'll have to purchase this part additionally because it's indispensible for scanning curled or curved film strips and single loose frames. But anyway the most expensive extra charge appears not until you need additional film adaptors like the slide feeder or the roll film adaptor. It's clear that you can't put 100 slides into the feeder at once. For normal images even the standard settings provide execellent digital images. In Germany too some dealers offered consumers Nikon's filscanners for lower prices than a normal specialist dealer could buy them for directly from Nikon. Everybody knows what auto level does with an image of a ski trail: the few people shilhoutted against the consistent white become extremely coloured and glaring. Nikon recommends having as much free disk space as possible when running Nikon Scan. We already know the automatic dust and scratches removal ICE, the Grain Equalization and Management GEM as well as the colour recreation tool ROC from the predecessor. If you save such a file in the uncompressed TIF format, you will get a file of a size of about 55 megabytes. And there is one more reason for the expensive full version: the Elements version can only process an image file with a colour depth of 16 bit if it is previously converted into 8 bit. For scanning such film material you can only use the strip film holder FH-3, which was supplied in shipment with the predecessors, but has to be purchased separately now. Not every user knows how to uninstall software via the control panel and what to do if he is asked repeatedly if components which may still be used by other programs should really be deleted. Let's deal with the second decisive reason for buying a Nikon Coolscan 5000 ED - the expandability. The function of automatically finding the beginning of the film and the division of the film strip into single frames respectively don't work flawlessly. Does the extra charge of the 10 times more expensive full version pay off? Naturally this artificial sharpening gives the final touch of details to the scan, but I'd recommend to do the sharpening with the image editing software afterwards, because a once performed unsharp mask can not be undone easily, particularly if the parameters were set to high values. In a colour picture 16 bits per colour channel mean a total of 248 different colours, which come up to the almost unimaginable number of 256 trillion colours. In my opinion a very reasonable feature - but scanning then takes a lot of time. The two drawers are each 78mm long, so that 25-75 slides, depending on the thickness of the mounts, can be inserted. You should in no case turn ROC on permanently though. But this does by no means apply for the whole image. One more word about the sharpness: it's sensational what the Nikon LS-5000 produces with a standard scan with 4000 dpi: you can see smallest details and a 20 megapixel image is still sharp when fully zoomed in, provided that appropriate film material is being used, of course. In principle a film scanner with a resolution of 4000 dpi can be used as a microscope with camera by means of the FH-G1. After all a new slide feeder SF-210 came out at the same time like the Super Coolscan 5000 ED. So you can save for example all settings for mounted colour slides as "Slide4000jpgICE.set" and easily load these settings when scanning such film material. But why should Nikon launch a new range? A few drawbacks have been improved, new features have been added. Before scanning a batch of slides you set the metal bar to a position in which the transport slider can only move one single slide into the scanner. Nikon maintains his role as leader in the field of 35mm film scanners with the new Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED. When performing a resolution test the Nikon 5000 shows its strength.

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