May I accept verbal orders on the administration of medication? 748.457. What policies for a transitional living program must I develop? 748.399. 748.1635. Who may use PRN orders with respect to supportive devices? May I use an audio monitoring device to supervise a child in the child's bedroom? What are the requirements for my discipline policies for children in care? 748.935. 748.1331. 748.3361. What are my fiscal requirements? 748.1825. 748.4603. 748.2755. 748.3. Who is responsible for complying with these minimum standards? USE OF PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATION. 748.2507. How are these regulations applied to family residential centers? 748.1481. 748.1023. What operations do the rules in this subchapter apply to? What must I do if a child refuses to or cannot eat a meal or snack that I offer? 748.4757. FOOD PREPARATION, STORAGE, AND EQUIPMENT. Copyright 2022 by eLaws. What must a triggered review of a child's unauthorized absences include? 748.1109. What exemptions or exceptions are there concerning immunization requirements? DIVISION 6. What must the caregiver document after discussing with the child the use of the emergency behavior intervention? 748.1209. 748.2103. 748.71. PLANS AND POLICIES REQUIRED FOR THE APPLICATION PROCESS. 748.3477. What orientation must I provide a child? For an emergency admission, when must I complete all of the requirements for an admission assessment? 748.155. ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES DURING ADMINISTRATION OF A MECHANICAL RESTRAINT. What are the basic care requirements for an infant? 748.303. When is a product considered unsafe? 748.4209. 748.943. What transportation records must I maintain? 748.3117. What type of food and water must I provide children? What are the pre-service hourly training requirements for caregivers and employees? 748.561. 748.4765. What are the additional medical requirements when I admit a child to receive emergency care services? How do I measure the use zone for rotating or rocking equipment or for track rides? 748.882. How must my assessment services program collect information from a child's caregivers? 748.533. 748.885. What are the notification requirements when Licensing finds my operation deficient in a standard related to safe sleeping or the abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a child? What are the supervision requirements for a transitional living program? Can a caregiver exceed the maximum length of time that an emergency behavior intervention can be administered to a child? What additional child-care policies must I develop? May I use water from a private water system? 748.801. What information regarding a child must I receive prior to providing respite child-care services to that child? ADMISSION AND SERVICE PLANNING. What are respite child-care services? 748.703. How long must I maintain personnel records? 748.1345. 748.4007. What must I do if an adult resident has a positive tuberculosis test result? Are there additional medical requirements when I admit a child for trafficking victim services? 748.4465. 748.1349. Are written orders required to administer emergency behavior intervention, and if so, who can write them? PROFESSIONAL LEVEL SERVICE PROVIDERS. SUBCHAPTER C. ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION, DIVISION 1. 748.2805. 748.151. What are acceptable reasons not to have liability insurance? 748.317. How current must a child's record be? ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PREGNANT AND PARENTING CHILDREN. What type of smoke-detection system must I have? 748.3395. What are the annual training requirements for caregivers and employees? DIVISION 2. 748.4391. DIVISION 6. 748.393. What health precautions must I take if someone in my operation has a communicable disease? May children receiving different types of service live in the same living quarters? When must I complete the child's individual plan for the assessment? 748.2903. 748.2003. 748.1633. 748.2259. SIDE EFFECTS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS TO MEDICATION. 748.1009. 748.2401. How must I inform a child and the child's parents of their rights? 748.2461. TIME RESTRICTIONS FOR EMERGENCY BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION. How do Residential Treatment Centers comply with the rules of this chapter? What caregivers or employees are exempt from certain pre-service training requirements? What is the appropriate action for a caregiver to take to ensure the child's adequate respiration, circulation, and overall well-being? 748.2311. What responsibilities must the child-care administrator have? 748.1007. 748.3365. 748.4659. What additional requirements are there for unauthorized absences of children from my operation? 748.3311. 748.5. What must I do if I find a medication label error? What are the requirements for CPR training? 748.1225. What precautions must a caregiver take when implementing a short personal restraint? 748.3753. Who must provide a certified lifeguards training? May I provide respite child-care services? 748.867. May a caregiver conduct a body cavity search of a child in care? How long may a caregiver seclude or mechanically restrain a child who has been released within the same 12-hour time period? Are there any restrictions on who can be a designated person that makes decisions regarding a child's participation in childhood activities? May I use supportive devices? What are the additional responsibilities for implementing seclusion? What are the pre-service experience requirements for a caregiver? 748.3013. DIVISION 2. What notice must I provide to the parent when I use an emergency behavior intervention with a child in care? 748.2601. Who must monitor a personal restraint? 748.2257. 748.1263. DIVISION 8. 748.831. DIVISION 2. What are the requirements for a transitional living program? What are the requirements for a preliminary service plan? 748.2605. How often must I review and update a service plan? What documentation is acceptable for an immunization record? If my operation employs or contracts with a health-care professional who prescribes psychotropic medications to a child in care, what are the requirements for evaluating whether a child should continue taking a psychotropic medication? 748.2801. 748.4013. What are the requirements for tube-feeding formula? 748.3857. 748.3315. What items must I post at my operation? 748.1015. What other methods of punishment are prohibited? 748.191. What immunizations must a child in my care have? What are the requirements for administering non-prescription medication and supplements? What are the requirements for bunk beds? 748.343. 748.1697. What is an "independent living program"? 748.913. 748.3521. 748.4365. How must I document a serious incident? 748.1439. 748.3305. SERVICE PLAN REVIEWS AND UPDATES. 748.4759. SUBCHAPTER T. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR OPERATIONS THAT PROVIDE AN ASSESSMENT SERVICES PROGRAM. May continuation orders be obtained verbally to exceed the maximum length of time that seclusion or mechanical restraint can be administered to a child? DIVISION 5. When must a caregiver complete emergency behavior intervention training? Under what circumstances may I conduct a search for prohibited items or items that endanger a child's safety? What minimum qualifications must all employees meet? Can child/caregiver ratios be averaged on an operation-wide basis? 748.833. PRE-SERVICE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING. 748.4431. Can I provide each type of service that Licensing regulates? 748.1551. 748.3101. Do the seat belt requirements prohibit transporting children in the bed of a pick-up truck? 748.681. 748.4463. What information regarding personnel must be kept confidential? 748.345. Must I make all corrections specified in the sanitation inspection report? OVERVIEW OF TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS. What does a "transfer" of a child in care mean? 748.3765. 748.2651. 748.127. 748.2551. What right does a child have regarding contact with siblings? What are the requirements for using a tractor? 748.119. What must my conflict of interest policies include? May I use or provide respite child-care services? 748.911. Who must have first aid and CPR training? 748.3113. 748.3105. When am I required to meet the additional rules of this subchapter? 748.567. 748.1111. 748.2905. Who must participate in the triggered review? 748.1215. SUBCHAPTER S. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR OPERATIONS THAT PROVIDE EMERGENCY CARE SERVICES. ADMISSION, SERVICE PLANNING, AND DISCHARGE. 748.3019. 748.1613. DIVISION 12. 748.945. DIVISION 6. 748.3523. 748.1339. Who must be involved in developing an initial service plan? Must my operation have a fire-extinguishing system? 748.3849. May a caregiver simultaneously use emergency medication in combination with another emergency behavior intervention? What documentation must I maintain regarding a fire inspection? 748.3271. What watercraft activities do the rules of this division apply to? What are the requirements for using a nasogastric tube to feed a child? 748.3845. 748.1217. 748.1213. What are the responsibilities of a treatment director? 748.3755. Must I have health-care professionals on staff or on contract if I provide services to children with primary medical needs? 748.4369. 748.2307. 748.2503. What are the additional admission assessment requirements when I admit a child for treatment services? 748.3441. DIVISION 5. 748.539. Who must have overall administrative responsibility when the child-care administrator is absent on a frequent and/or extended basis? ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR OPERATIONS THAT PROVIDE THERAPEUTIC CAMP SERVICES. 748.4263. 748.311. 748.433. 748.3015. 748.861. What are the requirements for a toilet that a child uses? What are the parameters for sinks used for food service or food preparation? 748.2005. What areas or topics are appropriate for annual training? 748.3709. 748.1101. 748.3479. 748.3853. How must I notify parents of a safe sleeping deficiency or an abuse, neglect, or exploitation deficiency? What must I document regarding a search? 748.1011. What are the requirements for a child's access to a body of water? What are the requirements for protecting children from poisonous or flammable material? What are the requirements for toilet facilities for a primitive camping excursion? 748.2301. DIVISION 9. 748.4201. MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR GENERAL RESIDENTIAL OPERATIONS, Texas Administrative Code (Last Updated: July 5,2022), PART 1. 748.4755. What information must an admission assessment include for a child needing emergency care services, including respite child-care services? What right does a child have regarding contact with his parent(s)? 748.1227. 748.889. 748.3933. 748.1747. What duties are required for a person supervising higher risk recreational activities? What constitutes a suicide attempt by a child? May a young adult in care share a bedroom with a child in care receiving trafficking victim services. What are the requirements for a volunteer? REPORTING SERIOUS INCIDENTS AND OTHER OCCURRENCES. 748.1933. When must a triggered review of a child's unauthorized absences occur? In addition to the rules in this subchapter, what other rules in this chapter apply to an operation? What child/caregiver ratios apply to a primitive camping excursion? SAFETY AND EMERGENCY PRACTICES, DIVISION 1. 748.2451. 748.1383. How many caregivers must I employ? May I include volunteers or employees who do not meet minimum qualifications for caregivers in the swimming child/adult ratio? If my policies permit the admission of adolescent parents with their child(ren), who is responsible for the care of the adolescent's child(ren)? DIVISION 6. What actions must a caregiver take before using a permitted type of emergency behavior intervention? 748.3109. May children of opposite genders share a bedroom? 748.1943. 748.865. What information must I document in the child's record at admission? What are the pre-service experience requirements for a caregiver? What are the liability insurance requirements? What are the dental requirements when I admit a child into care? What activities must I provide for infants? 748.4205. How must kitchen, dining areas, supplies, and equipment be maintained in a cottage home? 748.605. 748.931. 748.305. 748.509. If I have an educational program, what information must I provide to a child's parent about that program? What types of services does Licensing regulate? 748.1501. Must I use a licensed exterminator to treat my operation for insects, rodents, and other pests? 748.4655. To whom do I provide a copy of the child's initial service plan? ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TODDLER CARE. DIVISION 6. 748.3703. 748.3843. 748.1793. 748.723. 748.725. How do I measure the use zone for stationary equipment? What are the requirements for watercraft equipment? 748.3281. 748.4601. How often must I feed children in care? 748.2851. When may a caregiver or employee be exempt from orientation? 748.4363. DIVISION 6. 748.3367. 748.1211. 748.69. How must I maintain carbon monoxide detectors? 748.2705. 748.113. 748.3309. What do certain words mean in this subchapter? Can the service planning team discuss to develop a child's service plan in separate meetings? 748.3017. May I have an independent living program? 748.3561. 748.1341. 748.103. 748.4501. How must caregivers handle bodily fluids that require universal precautions? 748.1333. Who must be involved in developing the preliminary service plan for children receiving treatment services? What is considered a primitive camping excursion? RESPONSIBILITIES DURING ADMINISTRATION OF ANY TYPE OF EMERGENCY BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION. 748.3711. Who must supervise a higher risk recreational activity? 748.3283. What are the annual training requirements for an employee? What factors must I consider when determining whether weapons, firearms, explosive materials, or projectiles are stored adequately? DIVISION 4. 748.1699. How often must I practice my emergency evacuation and relocation plans? When must I document the appropriate reason for continuing emergency care services? Can Licensing cite my operation for a deficiency if I fail to operate according to my approved plans, policies, and procedures? What are the training and experience requirements for a caregiver? Are children in care required to participate in childhood activities? What mechanical and other restraint devices are prohibited? 748.61. All rights reserved. What is the orientation requirement for caregivers and employees? If I do not allow the use of emergency behavior intervention, what curriculum components must be included in the pre-service training for emergency behavior intervention? 748.3445. 748.3803. What steps must I take to ensure that heating devices do not present hazards to children? 748.949. 748.4473. What general responsibilities do all employees have? 748.4361. How do I make a report of a serious incident or occurrence to Licensing? What must I do if a child requires a therapeutic or special diet? What curriculum components must be included in the pre-service training for safe sleeping? 748.2757. 748.1541. What are the general requirements for supervising caregivers? 748.2463. 748.363. 748.1767. 748.4083. SELF-ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION. 748.3063. Who must conduct a gas leak inspection at my operation? 748.1901. After a child in my care turns 18 years old, may the person remain in my care? 748.1271. 748.3351. 748.571. OVERALL OPERATION EVALUATION. 748.361. How often must the physician review a child with primary medical needs? For purposes of the child/caregiver ratio, how many children can a single caregiver care for during the children's waking hours? When does a child who is in a transitional living program not need supervision? What are the requirements for administering prescription medication? 748.67. 748.511. What are the responsibilities of a registered nurse at an operation that provides services to a child with primary medical needs? What are the requirements for debriefing a child after an unauthorized absence? How do I discharge or transfer a child who is an immediate danger to self or others? OPERATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND NOTIFICATIONS. 748.1755. What are higher risk recreational activities? 748.4469. What qualifications must a treatment director have? 748.3313. DIVISION 8. What type of vehicle may I use to transport children? Under what conditions are PRN orders permitted for a specific child? 748.915. What information must the personnel record of an employee include? 748.3605. 748.3705. What other safety provisions must I make? May children in care use all-terrain vehicles? What parts of my operation must be ventilated? 748.1543. What are the requirements for a preliminary discharge plan? 748.463. 748.947. 748.4395. 748.3111. 748.1503. Who must determine the need and frequency of ongoing maintenance of dental health for a child? How must carbon monoxide detectors be installed? May I use a video camera to supervise a child in the child's bedroom? 748.3273. 748.1763. CARBON MONOXIDE SAFETY PRACTICES. What are the additional requirements for a swimming pool located at my operation? May a caregiver simultaneously implement mechanical restraint in combination with seclusion? 748.4393. What are the safety requirements for wading/splashing pools at my operation? What must I do if an adult resident is responsible for his own medication? What additional policies and procedures must I have for electronic records? Are electronic signatures allowed? 748.1703. 748.3115. What are my operational responsibilities? What constitutes an emergency admission to my operation? 748.1583. Who must have a tuberculosis (TB) examination? 748.2653. 748.2009. What must I do if an alcohol and substance abuse screening determines that a child receiving trafficking victim services may need alcohol or substance abuse treatment? 748.1013. What general physical site requirements must my operation meet? DIVISION 6. What do certain pronouns mean in this chapter? What right to privacy does a child have in his contact with others? What rights does a child in care have? How must I maintain an active child record? How does a child's transfer affect the timing of the review of a child's service plan? What are the requirements for monitoring children's safety and health during hiking or camping excursions? What are the requirements for hiking or camping excursions? 748.2703. How long must I keep incident reports? 748.3103. Who must conduct a fire inspection? What medication storage requirements must my operation meet? How do I review and update a service plan? Whom must I notify when I accept a child for respite child-care? What children are eligible to participate in a therapeutic camp program? CURRICULUM COMPONENTS FOR PRE-SERVICE TRAINING. 748.1691. 748.1205. 748.1549. 748.3303. 748.811. 748.3707. What information must I share with the parent at the time of placement? 748.4231. What must I do if a child has an adverse reaction to a medication? 748.883. When must I report and document a serious incident? If my operation does not employ or contract with a health-care professional who prescribes psychotropic medications to a child in care, what information must I provide the person legally authorized to give medical consent prior to the health-care professional prescribing psychotropic medications to a child in care? SUCCESSIVE USE AND COMBINATIONS OF EMERGENCY BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION. DIVISION 1. 748.1821. 748.3565. What qualifications must a child-care administrator meet? 748.3443. DIVISION 5. 748.4211. What personal hygiene provisions must I provide to a child who participates in a primitive camping excursion? 748.4005. What are the requirements for bed equipment used during an overnight excursion? What documentation must I maintain regarding gas leak inspections? May I exceed my operation's capacity? 748.1201. 748.941. 748.107. Where must a certified lifeguard be positioned when supervising children who are swimming? 748.3603. What is required when my operation takes children on out-of-state overnight trips? May a caregiver transport a child in a vehicle where weapons, firearms, explosive materials, or projectiles are present? How do I measure the use zone for bucket swings? What activities must I provide for toddlers? What types of transportation does Licensing regulate? 748.4701. 748.3161. 748.503. What children are eligible to participate in a transitional living program? May a child or adult in care discipline or punish another person in care? 748.2857. Must I have a treatment director? What are the requirements for transporting children? 748.65. 748.537. What information must I provide caregivers when I admit a child? What policies and procedures must I submit for Licensing's approval as part of the application process? What curriculum components must be included in the general pre-service training? DIVISION 10. What must I do when I admit a child who cannot consent to emergency care services? What must a child's initial service plan include? What are the annual training requirements for a caregiver? When must I notify parents that I do not carry liability insurance? 748.4003. DIVISION 1. 748.4555. 748.3355. 748.1765. What follow-up actions must caregivers take after the child's behavior no longer constitutes an emergency situation? Where must I maintain personnel records? 748.1751. 748.4471. What must my admission policies include? What must I do if a child in my care is identified as needing a diagnostic vision or hearing examination? 748.3061. 748.1389. What consent must I obtain to administer medications? 748.1617. Who may use PRN orders with respect to protective devices? What are the additional responsibilities for implementing a mechanical restraint? 748.3473.

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