Throughout history, men have dominated the philosophical canon, with women vastly underrepresented. Apart from being a renowned psychologist, Alice Miller became an international sensation with her debut book, The Drama of the Gifted Child, a bestseller. Its right now. But according to Eunapius biography in his Lives of the Philosophers, her fame was greater than any of theirs, and students far preferred her inspiring teaching. How women historians smashed the glass ceiling, Hidden women of history: the priestess Pythia at the Delphic Oracle, who spoke truth to power. She proposed an inherent need in humans to find, identify, and ascribe meaning in the world around us. She was head of the Manchester Philosophy Department for over 20 years, but seems very much a Cambridge philosopher. Engels is credited with helping Marx publish Das Kapital, a foundational theoretical work in politics, economics, and materialist philosophy. You can see this style clearly in Murdochs famous example of M and D in her essay, The Idea of Perfection. Her works gained popularity in the 1980s. While a great idea can come from anybody anywhere, sometimes a different perspective is needed for progress to be made. She is the principal teacher at Gampo Abbey. Martha Nussbaum is deservedly the most heralded woman philosopher in the contemporary AngloSaxon tradition. To celebrate International Womens Day and Womens History Month this month, we asked some of our authors to tell us about a female philosopher they admire, and why. She kept the family together through her sharp mind, devout soul and strong will, ultimately transforming her ancestral estate into a successful community of male and female ascetics. Join 225,000 subscribers who start their day with soothing playlists, sustainable recipes, inspiring articles, and more. Some experts take issue with Elon Musks frightening warning about AI taking over. Outside my school, I love Nancy Bauers work, Arendt, Penelope Maddy and Diane Jeske deeply resonate with me. Mill. Or Sosipatra, mystic, mother and Neoplatonist who was a more popular teacher than her husband, Eustathius? Or subscribe to articles in the subject area by email or RSS. Gregory devoted two works to his sister after her death, in what has been called the most spectacular representation of a woman saint as philosopher in antiquity. She is also associated with several feminist journals. Areas Of Focus | Art, philosophy of mind, linguistic analysisFeatured Work | Philosophy in a New Key: A Study in the Symbolism of Reason, Rite and Art. for Clea: Plutarchs On the Bravery of Women and On Isis and Osiris; Below, youll find inspiring, quotable, and prolific philosophers to add to your reading list, but the list goes on. Just as there are many types of believers, theres not only one type of atheist. Suki Finn, Royal Holloway, University of London, editor ofWomen of Ideas: Interviews from Philosophy Bites, Who would not be curious about a philosophical essay titled The Devil Baby? Hypatia of Alexandria (Born c.350370, died 415 AD). Melissa M. Shew, Marquette University, co-editor ofPhilosophy for Girls: An Invitation to a Life of Thought, May Sinclair(1863-1946) is best known as a writer. But where philosophers seek settled answers, Dickinson insistently inhabits an excruciating state of Wonder, of not precisely Knowing / And not precisely Knowing not. She uses poetry to expand philosophys repertoire of argumentative strategies, to include sensory exemplification, cognitive habituation, and riddles. A prominent figure in the philosophical movement of Analytical Thomism, British analytic philosopher G. E. M. Anscombe is remembered for her writings on the philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, philosophical logic, philosophy of action, and ethics. Ancient philosophy is not known for female thinkers. She was killed by a Christian mob as part of larger riots in the city, though there is some evidence to suggest that she was assassinated over controversial astronomical work. The term consequentialism was introduced by her in the article Modern Moral Philosophy which has influenced the emergence of contemporary virtue ethics. What is it like for women in philosophy, and in academia as a whole? A collection of her essays, Virtues and Vices, is a key document for the recently revitalized interest in virtue ethics. Called, (German Philosopher Who Developed 'Marxism' Together With Karl Max), (Irish & British Novelist Best Known for Her Novels: 'Under the Net', 'The Sea, the Sea' and 'The Bell'), (Philosopher, Christian Nun and One of the Six 'Patron Saints of Europe'), (Philosopher, Writer, University teacher), (Philosopher, an influential early socialist thinker and one of the founders of utopian socialism), (German Writer, Composer, Philosopher and Mystic Considered to be One of the Best-Known Composers of Sacred Monophony), (French Nun and Wife of the Theologian and Philosopher 'Peter Abelard'). Apart from publishing two best-selling novels, Ayn Rand is credited with developing a philosophical system called Objectivism. Margaret, who had the audacity to publish her works without using a pen name at a time when female writers remained anonymous, was ahead of her time. The founder of the school of care ethics, Gilligans work In a Different Voicehas been called The little book that started a revolution.Her work questions the value of universal standards of morality, such as fairness or duty, seeing them as impersonal and distant from our problems. Lady Margaret Lucas Cavendish was an English poet, philosopher, playwright, fiction writer, and scientist. Copyright 2007-2022 & BIG THINK, BIG THINK PLUS, SMARTER FASTER trademarks owned by Freethink Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Share in the comments below! Regarded by many as the first female sociologist, Harriet Martineau was a prominent 19th-century social theorist, classical economist, and intellectual who penned the iconic work The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte. Someone, somewhere, is dedicating their work to finding the answers for themselvesand for all of us. Under conditions of tyranny it is far easier to act than to think.. The concept, which explores moral decision-making and the ethics of sacrifices, was developed and coined by two women philosophers, Judith Jarvis Thompson and Philippa Foot, in the 1960s and 70s. Saint Macrina on the colonnade of St Peters square. But its here. After all, he tells us, she wrote them for Pericles. The conversation becomes a real conversation.. John Stuart Mills masterpiece On Libertyis dedicated to her, and by his admission partly written by her. A collection of her work can be found here. Likewise, her book Eichmann in Jerusalem,considers how the most average of men can be made evil in the right conditions. {notificationOpen=false}, 2000);" x-data="{notificationOpen: false, notificationTimeout: undefined, notificationText: ''}">, Copy a link to the article entitled http://10%20Women%20of%20Philosophy,%20and%20Why%20You%20Should%20Know%20Them, To make great changes in your life, follow the philosophy of kaizen. Read their responses below for an illuminating and varied look at female thinkers and the contributions they have made to the field. When we conjure up ancient philosophers the image that springs to mind might be a bald Socrates discoursing with beautiful young men in the sun, or a scholarly Aristotle lecturing among cool columns. When asked to name a philosopher, it is more than likely that many of the major thinkers that spring to mind will be male. There are two conceptions of free will: straight and mixed.. Where are the people that look like me? Two years ago, though, I read her dissertation on Saint Augustine and love and really rediscovered Arendt. She built a huge library and penned masterpieces such as the poem Primero sueo and the religious drama El divino Narciso. British-Australian scholar Sara Ahmed explores how bodies and worlds take shape; and how power is secured and challenged in everyday life worlds as well as institutional cultures. Ahmeds interests span a wide range of topics, with books on cultural connections of emotion and happiness to her writings at feministkilljoys, a companion blog for her book, Living A Feminist Life. Read Ahmed if youre seeking to deepen the intersectionality of your feminismand if youre ready to face the tactical ways of making systemic and institutional change. Australian Catholic University provides funding as a member of The Conversation AU. Theyve made significant contributions to thought on the performative aspects of gender and even the performance of sex. She is credited with founding the World Phenomenology Institute (WPI) where she remained as the president until her death in 2014. Against such critics, Sinclairs 1922 The New Idealism uses arguments about space and time to defend Absolute idealism. Particularly, the notion that to truly experience life we must take risks, often considerable ones. For the latest news, resources, and insights from the Philosophy team, follow us on Twitter @OUPPhilosophy. She also wrote on other political subjects, such as the American and French revolutions, and offered a critique of the idea of human rights. She was killed in the Auschwitz concentration camp and is canonized as a martyr. Despite publishing few works during her lifetime, her influence on her husbands work is undeniable. She was noted as a philosopher of love and friendship. The Gruppe 47 member was known for depicting the trauma of women characters who had failed in relationships. Friedrich Engels was a German philosopher, political scientist, and revolutionary socialist. After earning her Ph.D. in anthropology, she began her academic career. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka was a Polish American phenomenologist and philosopher. A continental philosopher, she has written extensively on Africana philosophy, black feminism, and phenomenology. You can usually find her reading or writing, caring for her rabbits, or practicing at the yoga studio. Cheryl Misak, University of Toronto, author ofFrank Ramsey: A Sheer Excess of Powers, Like many, I have long admiredHannah Arendtfor the ways that her thinking uncannily resonates in our age and how she is able to plumb the depths of the human condition and experience. Clea (most active around 100 CE) was a priestess at Delphi a highly esteemed political and intellectual role in the ancient world. Research Fellow, Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry, Australian Catholic University. Who are the female philosophers you admire and why? While she won the Booker Prize for The Sea, the Sea, the Oxford alumnus had also worked for the HM Treasury and the UN. Sosipatra (most active around 4th century CE) lived the dream: she had a successful teaching career along with a content family life. A French philosopher and psychoanalyst, her philosophy was based on risk taking. I see that now and am better for it. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Areas Of Focus | Gender, sex, and identityFeatured Work | Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. A portrait of Hypatia by Jules Maurice Gaspard, originally the illustration for Elbert Hubbards 1908 fictional biography. Hlne Cixous is a professor, poet, playwright, rhetorician, literary critic, philosopher, and French feminist writer. Areas Of Focus | Politics, justice, and economicsFeatured Work | The Cosmopolitan Tradition: A Noble But Flawed Ideal. Susan B. Levin, Smith College, author ofPosthuman Bliss? Women also shaped the development of philosophy. The Social Destiny of Man remains one of his notable works. The Failed Promise of Transhumanism, One of the philosophers I most admire isDorothy Emmet. French social theorist Charles Fourier is regarded as one of the pioneers of utopian socialism. More than two millennia later, intelligent, verbal women still struggle to have their own voices heard. She was also associated with the charitable organization Oxfam. Ingeborg Bachmann completed her PhD and worked as an editor and scriptwriter before plunging into full-time writing. Her magnum opus, The Origins of Totalitarianism, analyzes and explains how such governments come to power. But leaning out of her balcony, she hears the dynamic preaching of Paul and decides on a radically different path. Her fiction sold so well that fellow novelist Ford Maddox Ford described American dinner parties involving examinations on it; and she once went motoring with President Theodore Roosevelt. Kimberly K. Garchar, Kent State University, co-editor ofPhilosophy for Girls: An Invitation to a Life of Thought, A female philosopher I admire isInmaculada de Melo-Martn, who brings her expertise in philosophy and molecular biology to bear in opposing the claim that genetic manipulation to augment non-disease characteristics of future children is morally required. Areas Of Focus | Choice and decision-making, the nature of valueFeatured Work | How To Make Hard Choices on TED Radio Hour. While it remains uncertain as to the scope of her writings, a common problem for ancient authors, it is agreed that she at least co-wrote several surviving works with her father, including extensive commentaries on Greek science and philosophy. Aspasia of Miletus (most active around 400 BCE) was the most famous woman in Classical Athens or should we say infamous? Its a blessing that Astell had that terrifying edgewithout it, the history of feminism would be very different. Less conspicuously, she has been the inspiring mentor and quiet supporter for dozens of women in philosophy. The OUP Philosophy list boasts cutting-edge scholarship including monographs, handbooks, and textbooksavailable both in print and digitallyas well as leading journals. Consider Eva Kittayand Teresa Blankmeyer Burke, who work in the field of disability philosophy and bioethics, or Anne (Schulherr) Waters, who specializes in American Indian philosophy, or Talia Mae Bettcher who explores transgender philosophy. She is best remembered for her poems and her lyrical novel Malina. She is the author of several dozen books and audiobooks. Considered the chief architect of the ethics of care, Gilligan was named in the 25 most influential people list by Time magazine in 1996. Some of the famous personalities influenced by her include Amber Heard, Vince Vaughn, Jimmy Wales, Ayelet Shaked, and Mary Ruwart. Those who try to make room for sex as mere casual enjoyment pay the penalty: they become shallow.. Areas Of Focus | Morality, human relations and behaviorFeatured Work | The Sovereignty of Good. She is renowned for her work on ethical relationships and ethical community. Hannah Arendt was a political theorist. The latter depicted a conversation about death between the siblings as Macrina lay dying, in which she displays wide knowledge in philosophy, scripture and the physical sciences. She edited her father Theons astronomical commentary, which he acknowledged at publication. Most famous for her dramatic death at the hands of a Christian mob, Hypatia (circa 355415 CE) was a Neoplatonic teacher admired for her mathematical and astronomical works. Her fame was such that prospective students traveled great distances to hear her speak. This is particularly true in the field of philosophy, which consistently rates as one of the most gender-imbalanced in the humanities in modern universities. Although a foreigner, she became the mistress of Pericles, the leader of Athens at the beginning of the Peloponnesian War. Her writing eloquently unites unstinting frankness with compassion. Hypatia is an early female philosopher who worked in spaces of mathematics and astronomy, and broke traditional norms as a female public speaker and academic. A Greek philosopher and scientist, she was regarded by many of her contemporaries as the greatest philosopher of the age. Are you at a crossroads and dont know which path to choose? Is the magic of love an evolutionary adaptation? She is not just of her moment and applicable to ours, but her ideas and insights echo always. Her groundbreaking work Modern Moral Philosophy,has influenced modern ethical work extensively; it was here that she invented the word consequentialism. Read Chang if youve written all the pros and cons list you canand still dont have an answer for yourself. By viewing on the world through these lenses, we can learn more about who we are, what we are doing, and perhaps most importantly, why we are. In the example, Murdoch explores how, through self-criticism and -exploration, altering our perception of a person or situation can change our moral behavior. However, we can in fact trace women engaging in philosophical discourse back to ancient times. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. One of the most popular Irish-born British novelists, Iris Murdoch is remembered for her psychological novels, which had a good dose of sexuality, philosophy, morality, and comic elements. Read Hypatia if youre ready to take a critical lens to your own belief systems. Edith Stein was a German Jewish philosopher who studied at the University of Freiburg and completed her dissertation on empathy. If theres a topic you want to learn more about, start with PhilPeoples Find A Philosopher tool to help expand your thinking. She said, getting exactly right the pragmatist account of experience: There is a difference between being brute and stubborn and being bare and naked. An English philosopher and popular writer, she was the author of A Vindication of the Rights of Men, a defense of the French Revolution against Burke; andA Vindication of the Rights of Woman,an answer to those who argued against the education of women. Ayn Rand was a Russian-American philosopher and writer. Read Midgely if youre an advocate for animal rights or if you feel that in a world full of technological and scientific advances, we still need philosophy. Read more: Addams was an American feminist philosopher working in the early 20th century who embodied the pragmatist conviction that theory cannot be separated from action. Macrina (circa 330-379 CE) was the oldest of ten in an expansive, influential well-educated Christian family in Cappadocia. Further reading: Angela Davis is most well-known as an activist and grassroots organizer for civil rights, but her deep body of research and writing on the topics of race, feminism, and politics position her as an American philosopher as well. The world, Sinclair writes, arises in consciousness, through consciousness, and is of that stuff, with no independent existence apart from it. She co-established the Discalced Carmelite Order. Italian mathematician Maria Gaetana Agnesi, daughter of an affluent silk trader, was well-versed in a number of languages as a child. Oxford University Press'sAcademic Insights for the Thinking World. Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg Spar Over How Dangerous AI Really Is. Recalling the wisdom of ancient women both expands our view of history and reminds us of the gendered elements of modern complex thought. Philippa Foot is remembered as a forerunner of what is now known as virtue ethics. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka also contributed immensely to the popular book series Analecta Husserliana, serving as its editor since its inception in 1968. Way too many to name!! Philosophy, for me, evokes imagery of the ancients lecturing vast venues full of men: Aristotle, Plato, Socratesthe names listed as required reading for many of my college courses. Thank you, check your email for a confirmation! Leading British moral philosopher Mary Midgley, described as a fiercely combative philosopher by The Guardian, was known for her work on ethics, science and animal rights. Areas Of Focus | Mathematics and astronomyFeatured Work | The Wisdom of Hypatia. Pema Chodron is an AmericanTibetan Buddhist and an ordained nun. Evolutionary psychology could explain those otherworldly feelings. She was also a notable firebrand, protesting both Harry Truman and local abortion clinics. Her written works include The Interior Castle and her own autobiography. So here are six ancient female philosophers you should know about. In her writings, she was a heavyweight fighter on behalf of the female sex: pulling no punches, she entered the intellectual scene in seventeenth-century England with knockdown arguments against womens supposed moral and intellectual incompetence. She adeptly reveals misunderstandings of human biology that drive this advocacy. This emphasis on hard-earned knowing-how, brave in uncertainty and intertwining intellectual and practical concerns, feels like a contribution most likely to be made by a woman. She discussed the notion of security which frowns on risk while also leaving a void in our existence. She also wrote books such as The Secret Doctrine. Over the years, Ayn Rand has been a major influence among American conservatives and libertarians. She is remembered for her commentary on Diophantus's, (Writer and Philosopher Known for Her Best-Selling Novels The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged), (Revolutionary Socialist, Marxist Philosopher & Anti-War Activist), (Writer, Co-founder of the Theosophical Society), (Writer and Filmmaker, Best Known for her Essay 'Notes on 'Camp'), Susan Sontag is best known for her essay anthologies such as, (Early feminist author and philosopher who studied everything around her and argued forcefully that all women should be allowed to do the same), (French philosopher, mystic and activist in the French Resistance during WWII. She was surrounded by male experts, one of whom was her husband Eustathius. Plutarch tells us in the prefaces to On the Bravery of Women and On Isis and Osiris how these invigorating conversations on death, virtue and religious history inspired his own work. The ancient world found space to include womens voices in philosophy, and so must we. Not surprisingly, she was considered eccentric and earned the nickname Mad Madge. Born a woman, Paul B. Preciado initially identified himself as a lesbian and later announced his slow transition to being a man. Shes a Los Angeles transplant who was born and raised in Indiana, where she studied Creative Writing and Business at Indiana University. I had the pleasure of getting to know her in her Cambridge retirement home, where she cheerfully held court, despite being confined to bed and unable to see. And there are so many women thinkers contributing to it. Elisabeth Camp, Rutgers University, author ofThe Poetry of Emily Dickinson: Philosophical Perspectives, I have had the honour of working alongside many inspiring women in philosophy, but the very first to inspire me was my undergraduate teacher,Carrie Jenkins. . Peter Adamson, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen, author of theA History of Philosophy Without any Gapsseries. She plays a verbal role in at least three philosophical dialogues written by students of Socrates: Platos Menexenus and the fragmentary Aspasia dialogues by Aeschines and Antisthenes. The list includes many familiar and great female philosophers such as Simone de Beauvoir, Mary Wollstonecraft, Rosa Luxemburg, Peter Kropotkin, Edith Stein.The women philosophers featured in this list are from United States, United Kingdom, Canada & Australia and many more countries. The philosopher I most admire isMary Astell. A celebrated author and philosopher, he has penned books such as Testo Junkie, written columns on gender and sexuality, and taught subjects such as gender theory. She popularized the slogan There is no religion higher than truth. She was inspired by the Arya Samaj and later converted to Buddhism. Born as Deirdre Blomfield-Brown in New York, she began studying with Tibetan Buddhist Lama Chime Rinpoche as a young woman. They propose that gender is a doing rather than something that exists innately. The early 1900s saw early analytic philosophers rejecting idealism, the view that consciousness or experience comprises reality. She ultimately was murdered for her teachings, which encouraged critical inquiry into religion. Chang, who lives in New York, has also consulted with large companies around the world on the aspects of choice and likewise offers individuals thought on comparing the factors of a decision. If philosophy isnt for you right now, head here for some of our favorite poets thatll help ignite your inspiration. Always interested in Catholicism, she read the autobiography of the mystic Teresa of vila and converted to Christianity, and became a Discalced Carmelite nun. Teresa of vila, also known as Saint Teresa of Jesus, was a Spanish noblewoman who later turned into a Carmelite nun. Anscombes Intention there is a blurb from Donald Davidson: Anscombes Intention is the most important treatment of action since Aristotle. The back cover has quite a few other blurbs praising it highly. Philosophy driven by women has made its way to the trending topics on Twitterand proves how necessary it is for navigating life in the 21st century. The arguments of de Melo-Martn are cogent, elegant tapestries. Her essay The Enfranchisement of Women is a precursor to Mills later work The Subjection of Womenand makes many of the same points. for Aspasia: Platos Menexenus and Plutarchs Life of Pericles; The German born Arendt, who escaped Vichy France for New York, wrote extensively on totalitarianism during her life. Her surviving letters are considered a foundation of French and European literature and inspiration for courtly love. Socrates seeking Alcibiades in the House of Aspasia by Jean-Leon Gerome (1861). Our Privacy Policy sets out how Oxford University Press handles your personal information, and your rights to object to your personal information being used for marketing to you or being processed as part of our business activities. But there are hidden figures to be found, likeMacrina the Younger(d. 379 AD), sister of the Greek church father and philosopher Gregory of Nyssa. Where are the thinkers that embody more than a singular, masculine-centric view of the world? for Thecla: the anonymously written The Acts of Paul and Thecla and Methodius Symposium; Although their writings, by and large do not survive, their verbal teaching made a significant impact on their contemporaries, and their voices echo through the ages. Vote for Your Favourite Women Philosophers, (French Existentialist Philosopher, Writer, Social Theorist, and Feminist Activist), French author and existentialist philosopher Simone de Beauvoir is best remembered for her feminist treatise, (One of the Most Influential Political Theorists of the 20th Century), Hypatia was a Hellenistic Neoplatonist philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer who lived during the 4th and 5th centuries. That birth gave us her daughter, who was also a noted writer: Mary Shelly, author of Frankenstein. Her greatest work was Intention, a series of papers showing how what we intend to happen has a great effect on our ethical standing. She eventually became a fully ordained nun or bhiku. The American academic Judith Butler is non-binary and uses she/they pronouns. She was the author of 30 books, has many interesting lectures, and died as she lived. He also co-authored influential political documents like The Communist Manifesto. But even if our biology were exactly as those at the vanguard of this advocacyall male!proclaimed, it would not follow that we should proceed. Her teachings were considered pagan and contradicted early Christian teachings emerging in Alexandria (formerly Rhacotis, a village in Egypt, before it was overtaken by Greek leader Alexander the Great). You might think philosophy is a boy's club. She also debated many famous thinkers, including Phillipa Foot. In 1147, she was granted the rank of prelate nullius, approximately the level of a bishop. I would encourage anyone with an interest in Platonism or Christianity and philosophy to read his dialogue On Soul and Resurrection, in which Macrina is cast in the role of a female, Christian Socrates, discoursing on immortality while she is literally on her death bed. Get counterintuitive, surprising, and impactful stories delivered to your inbox every Thursday. She wrote dozens of books, including The Second Sex and The Ethics of Ambiguity, and is noted for having a very accessible writing style. She was, in some ways, the first feminist philosopher. She was very active in French politics, as a social critic, protester, and member of the French resistance. She also wrote several novels, travel guides and a childrens book. But what about Aspasia, the foreign mistress of the foremost politician in Athens who gave both political and erotic advice?

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