TOMS Shoes (Santa Monica, California) was founded with the singular mission of improving the lives of children by providing shoes to those in need. That conventional wisdom has now reversed. The Good Project consists of LEED-certified homes with ENERGY STAR appliances, solar panels, air intake air-conditioning, tankless water heaters, dual flush toilets, low-flow plumbing fixtures, reflective roofing, recycled countertops and insulation, compact fluorescent lights and occupancy sensors, and more eco-friendly features. The White Dog Caf (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) is a restaurant that supports sustainable agriculture by purchasing seasonal, local, organic ingredients from local farmers whenever possible. Trucks are equipped with solar panels to recharge the mowers throughout the day. Izzys Ice Cream Caf (St. Paul, Minnesota) makes homemade ice cream using local ingredients, when possible, such as local maple syrup and dairy and cream from local and family-owned farms. The conflict-free diamonds are from Canadian mines that follow the countrys environmental laws, the most rigorous in the world. Better World Club (Portland, Oregon) is a nationwide auto and travel club. WarLights allows you to purchase a flashlight for distribution to American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Certification also improves productivity and net income: According to an independent study by COSA, Rainforest Alliance reported that certified cocoa farmers in Cote dIvoire, for example, produced 1,270 pounds of cocoa per hectare, compared with 736 poundsper hectare on non-certified farms. VerTerra (New York, New York) is a manufacturer of disposable dinnerware. Hopworks Urban Brewery refers to itself as an eco-brewpub and touts everything from composting to rain barrels to being powered by 100% renewable energy. Filtration is an important part of Clean Green Collisions eco-friendly approach: paint fumes and other emissions are filtered, air in the sanding area is filtered twice, and there is a filtration system to capture emissions from welding. Habana Outpost (Brooklyn, New York) is a one-of-a-kind restaurant experience that begins with the outdoor food truck, a restored U.S. postal service truck. Additionally, ECO Car Wash uses water-soluble, bio-based, and biodegradable cleaning products. Burgerville (Vancouver, Washington) is a chain of 39 Pacific Northwest quick-service restaurants offering seasonal organic, local, and healthy food. In addition to supporting sustainable agriculture, the White Dog Caf partners with sister restaurants in the area that are minority-owned. One study found that morale was 55% better in companies with strong sustainability programs, compared to those with poor ones, and employee loyalty was 38% better. The international program offers educational tours to the countries of international sister restaurants, a chef exchange program, hosts international visitors, and promotes Fair Trade. Fortunately, there are an increasing number of businesses moving toward sustainability. In the manufacturing process, the company recaptures over 80% of the water used. The entire process uses only a fraction of the typical energy used for recycling. One study estimated that companies experience an average internal rate of return of 27% to 80% on their low carbon investments. The company also partners with community, nonprofit, academic, industrial assistance, and local social services groups to promote green-collar job creation, sustainable business practices, and the development of the green building industry. The company buys organic produce from local sources when possible. Eco-Libris planting partners plant trees in Nicaragua, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama (all in Central America) and Malawi (Africa). These case examples showcase the wide array of approaches being used by businesses of varying sizes in various industries. Hotlips Pizza uses as many locally grown ingredients as possible, including wheat, vegetables, cheese, and meat. This probably has its roots in Milton Friedmans 50-year old, but still influential, thesis that the only business of a business is profit as well as a hangover from the 1970s and 80s, when low quality, high priced environmental products failed in the market and early socially responsible investing delivered low returns. However, a shift is occurring in the minds of consumers. Hopworks Urban Brewery (Portland, Oregon) is a brewpub offering organic beer and restaurant menu items made from local ingredients. Many business leaders have the erroneous perception that one can have profits or sustainability, but not both. Caracalla (Little Rock, Arkansas) is a salon and day spa with an aggressive recycling program that extends beyond the typical recycling of waste. In addition to Free Range Studios socially conscious creative work, the company also seeks to reduce its environmental impact and give back to communities through the use of triple bottom line accounting, 100% wind power, eco-printing, and other initiatives. SabMiller has also invested heavily in water conservation, including $6 million to improve equipment at a facility in Tanzania affected by deteriorating water quality. Edun LIVE seeks to provide sustainable employment in Sub-Saharan Africa through high-volume sales of blank T-shirts. The solar-powered lights offer an alternative to kerosene, wood, and other forms of lighting used in developing countries. The sister restaurant project also has an international dimension to foster awareness, communication, and economic justice worldwide. All petroleum-based machine lubricants have been replaced with soy-based lubricants. As an aside, the company holds the distinction of baking the Worlds Biggest Cookie in 2003102 feet wide and over 40,000 pounds. Now that you are familiar with the concept of sustainable business and how it impacts every aspect of the business, we are delighted to turn to real case examples of sustainable business practices. Great Lakes Brewing Company (Cleveland, Ohio) is a microbrewery focused on the triple bottom line. The companys goal is to donate $1 million per year by 2012. Alaffia sponsors Bicycles for Education, donates school supplies and uniforms, funds reforestation projects, and started the Alaffia Womens Clinic in Togo. In addition to organic Fair Trade fashions, Indigenous Designs purchases local green power to offset carbon emissions from its business activities, encourages employees to bike to work, and claims that about 20% of employees own and drive hybrid or biodiesel cars. Thirty-five percent of the charitable proceeds go toward rebuilding Sierra Leone by providing school supplies and other necessities to needy children, another 35% goes toward sponsoring children around the world through Plan USA, Children International, St. Judes Childrens Hospital, and the Christian Childrens Fund. The companys Web site states that the average person recycles 20% of their mail, whereas Earth Class Mail customers recycle more than 90% of their mail. Clean Air Lawn Care will also remove yard waste to an organic waste recycling center, where available. Since making and freezing ice cream is an energy-intensive process, the ice cream parlor runs entirely on solar power. Of the respondents, 72% said that climate change presents risks that could significantly impact their operations, revenue, or expenditures. The preponderance of evidence shows that sustainability is going mainstream. The company works with Verite for third-party monitoring and reporting of socially responsible business practices. Because Sustainable Business is Good Business.. ), bamboo hairbrushes, hemp bags, natural hair and body products, soy candles in recycled glass jars, efficient lighting, and reusable coffee mugs. All manufacturing processes are environmentally friendly and minimize waste. Habana Outpost is one of three Habana restaurants in New York City. White Dog Caf donates an amazing 20% of pretax profits to nonprofits and the caf has also created its own nonprofit, White Dog Community Enterprises. In addition, the company purchases and sells recycled items, such as paper, bags, office supplies, toilet tissue, hand towels, pet toys, and even biodegradable bags for picking up dog waste. The company recycles, composts, uses biodiesel in delivery trucks, and uses recycled paper. Even the packaging is environmentally friendly with shoe boxes made of 100% recycled materials, soy-based inks, water-based glues, and biodegradable materials. EDUN has established the Conservation Cotton Initiative (CCI) to improve the livelihoods of communities in Africa by promoting cotton grown organically or through methods that are part of a transition from conventional to organic production. The disposable dinnerware products are durable, naturally biodegrade in 2 months, and can be used in the microwave, oven, and refrigerator. Three new giving programs are being developed: Save Our Sisters (which will donate lights to womens groups and collectives in developing countries), Village Lights, and Need It/Take It. To achieve this, all wood used in the construction was FSC-certified, paints are low VOC, and carpets contain postconsumer recycled material. Moreover, investors are now able to track the high performers on ESG (environmental, social and governance factors) and are correlating better financial performance with better ESG performance. Greenforce thoroughly researches cleaning products to find those that perform as well as conventional products, and all staff are trained in green cleaning methods. Companies are also experiencing risks in their manufacturing due to resource depletion particularly water. While the examples are too numerous to list here, we have selected a small sample of for-profit entities that are striving to maximize social, environmental, and economic impacts. The company is pursuing zero waste. When possible, gold and platinum are reclaimed through recycled jewelry and industrial waste. The winery has been 100% solar-powered since 2005, and the Hospitality Center and administrative offices are in a LEED-certified building. The hotel is furnished with natural, organic, and recycled materials, has all-natural and organic landscaping, and uses green cleaning products. Galactic Pizza (Minneapolis, Minnesota) makes excellent pizza from local and organic ingredients. Additionally, IceStone conducts environmental education programs for employees. If you do not have local recycling facilities, the company encourages you to return your tin to them for recycling. IceStones donation program provides free or discounted material to projects that share similar social and environmental goals, with Habitat for Humanity receiving annual donations. The system also improves product quality by creating regulated growing conditions. Carry-out containers that are not compostable are recyclable. All wines are made from organically grown grapes. Since 1994, Dow has invested nearly $2 billion in improving resource efficiency and has saved $9.8 billion from reduced energy and wastewater consumption in manufacturing. The company is working toward water reduction goals, and over 80% of the companys waste is recycled, recovered, or composted. The company purchases coffee beans directly from small family farms and cooperatives in Guatemala, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, and Nicaragua. The finished dark chocolatecovered cacao goodies are packaged in recycled and reusable tins featuring the work of emerging artists. Factories are monitored by TOMS and third-party independent auditors. For example, Bunge, an agribusiness firm, reported a $56 million quarterly loss in its sugar and bioenergy segments due to drought in 2010. In the food and beverage industry, a growing number of consumers are considering values beyond price and taste in their purchasing decisions, such as safety, social impact, and transparency. Every time customers use their wireless, credit card, or long-distance services, the company donates a portion of the charges to progressive nonprofit organizations working for peace, human rights, economic justice, education, and the environment. Keen Footwear (Portland, Oregon) began in 2003 with the Hybrid: part shoe, part sandal; a cross between an athletic shoe and a sandal. Pinehurst Inn Bed & Breakfast (Bayfield, Wisconsin) is a historic inn, built in 1885. The companys goal is to create a ready-made business for local entrepreneurs and to increase access to affordable telephony for base of the pyramid customers. Indigenous Designs also partners with nongovernmental organizations and others to help provide training, educational materials, and equipment to the artisans. Pizza Fusion (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) is a pizza chain with a wide variety of organic, vegan, gluten-free, and lactose-free menu items. Executives can no longer afford to approach sustainability as a nice to have or as solid function separated from the real business. The center also uses nontoxic personal care products on children and environmentally friendly cleaning products throughout the building. The products are cradle to cradle certified and are manufactured in a day-lit factory. The company has an even stronger social emphasis through its business operations. The Burn & Earn program pays members $1 for every hour spent generating (or saving) electricity. This can disrupt a firms ability to operate on schedule and budget. But the companys commitment to sustainability goes beyond the products it sells. White Bear Racquet and Swim Club has replaced incandescent lights; increased the use of natural lighting; replaced chlorine with a salt water system for the pool; replaced a fivetennis court bubble with a permanent, super insulated tennis building featuring in-court radiant heat, installed cooling, and heating powered by ground source heat pumps (the old courts required over $44,000 in heating costs; the new courts require less than $300 in heating costs); and installed a super efficient lighting system. Each product is unique, but they all have a common pocket and hand-sewn blanket stitch. Through the Oromia Photo Project, Oromia Coffee Farmers Grower Union farmers activities are documented. The factory has a cool, low-emissions manufacturing process. Each franchise restaurant is LEED certified. You can choose from trips to Africa, Central America, or South America, and $100 per participant is donated to a local project. Since its launch in 2012, Flyknit has reduced 3.5 million pounds of waste and fully transitioned from yarn to recycled polyester, diverting 182 million bottles from landfills. But what each of these case examples has in common is that they demonstrate it is possible to successfully pursue sustainability and a triple bottom line. The brewery also installed water and energy efficient equipment, designed for the use of natural lighting, and offers bicycle parking and a bike repair stand. In the first ever Fair Trade deal with a plantation, Fair Trade Sports sources rubber from the Frocester Plantation in Sri Lanka and from the New Ambadi Rubber Estate. It can also reduce annual quit rates by 3-3.5%, saving replacement costs up to 90%-200% of an employees annual salary for each retained position. Some of the unique ways in which Caracalla supports the reduce, reuse, recycle mantra are to buy reclaimed items for retail sale (such as mittens and hats made from old discarded sweaters), they sell vintage items, they recycle cut hair by sending it to Matter of Trust to be woven into hair mats capable of absorbing chemical oil spills, and they recycle worn pantyhose and stockings with Matter of Trust for the same purpose. Greenforce (San Francisco, California) offers residential and commercial cleaning services using environmentally friendly cleaning products and methods. White Dog Caf has a mentoring program with a local high schools restaurant, hotel, and tourism program, organizes community tours through different Philadelphia neighborhoods, hosts annual multicultural events, participates in Take a Senior to Lunch Day, and hosts speakers each month on various social and policy issues. The product line consists of jackets, vests, hats, scarves, mittens, purses and bags, pins, and Christmas stockings. Earth Tones offers online billing or (recycled) paper billing and phone recycling for customers. On the company Web site, you will find an online calculator to determine the carbon emissions of your current mowing methods. Todays executives are dealing with a complex and unprecedented brew of social, environmental, market, and technological trends. Here are some other datapoints to consider: Between 2006 and 2010, the top 100 sustainable global companies experienced significantly higher mean sales growth, return on assets, profit before taxation, and cash flows from operations in some sectors compared to control companies. In addition, companies who embed sustainability in their core business strategy treat employees as critical stakeholders, just as important as shareholders. Studies show that firms with greater corporate responsibility performance can reduce average turnover over time by 25-50%. Some of these companies are making gains in one of the dimensions of sustainability (social, environmental, economic); others have a fully developed three-dimensional approach to sustainability. No chemicals, lacquers, glues, bonding agents, or toxins are ever used. To pursue sustainability even further, Great Lakes Brewing Company has incorporated zero-waste initiatives into its day-to-day operations. The company offers to make paper from anything you desire, except live trees. In addition to these restaurant features, Habana Outpost serves as a community gathering place offering weekly movie nights and a host of other activities. By recycling glass and concrete, IceStone saves hundreds of tons of glass from landfills each year. For each pound of the Ethiopian Oromia coffee sold, Higher Grounds will add an additional $1 tip to go back to the farmers. Embedded sustainability efforts clearly result in a positive impact on business performance. The Green Microgym uses recycled rubber, marmoleum, and eco-friendly cork flooring, ENERGY STAR ceiling fans, LCD televisions, compact fluorescent bulbs, energy-efficient treadmills, dual flush toilets, green cleaning supplies, and paper products made with recycled content. The Trade for a Change fund-raising program allows nonprofit organizations to sell Higher Groundss organic and Fair Trade blends and thus increases sales for the coffee farmers. The restaurant also hosts an annual Earth Day Expo of informative and interactive displays on sustainability and has a gallery display featuring local artists works. In addition, the salon gives back to the community and local charities. Investing in sustainability is not only a risk management tool; it can also drive innovation. Golden Temples Peace Cereal (Eugene, Oregon) is a line of organic cereals devoted to personal health and a peaceful planet. In its survey of over 200 institutional investors, 59.1% of respondents view nonfinancial disclosures as essential or important to investment decisions, up from 34.8% in 2014. The Transport bag collection is made from recycled aluminum and rubber reclaimed from the shoe factory floors. Within the supply chain, IceStone encourages suppliers to improve sustainability standards. CREDO Mobile (San Francisco, California) was created in 1985 to help make the world a better place. Shoes are produced in Argentina and China following fair labor practices while creating minimal environmental impact. The products are created by collecting fallen leaves from plantations, taken to the factory, sprayed with high pressure water, steamed, and UV sterilized. The mobile cart can be moved to any location, such as a park or festival, to provide public telephone service for consumers. The company is also carbon-neutral. Flyknit reduces waste by 80% compared with regular cut and sew footwear. As the 24th biggest industrial consumer of water, Coca Cola has now invested $2 billion to reduce water use and improve water quality in the communities in which it operates. baabaaZuZu (Lake Leelanau, Michigan) makes clothing from items that would otherwise be discarded. ECO Car Wash (Portland, Oregon) is a multilocation car wash that recycles 100% of the water used in washing. The company now has a line of shoes, Ventura, that are 100% vegan and created through environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. In fact, one study found that among numerous factors surveyed, the news coverage regarding environmental and social responsibility was the only significant factor that affected respondents evaluation of a firm and intent to buy. Through its nonprofit, Friends of TOMS, the public is invited to participate in Shoe Drops. Gaia Napa Valley Hotel and Spa (American Canyon, California) is the worlds first Gold LEEDcertified hotel. pricy natural cleaning products that did not work). The paper products are handcrafted by artisans. One of the companys interesting projects involves building an eco-urban community, appropriately named The Good Project. Investors are paying attention. In 2005, they launched a U.S. and European line of cold-water detergents that require 50% less energy than warm water washing. In 2013, GE had reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 32% and water use by 45% compared to 2004 and 2006 baselines, respectively, resulting in $300 million in savings. Pinehurst Inn composts food and garden waste, recycles, avoids chemical treatments on lawn and gardens, serves locally grown organic food and organic coffees and teas, and has converted their vehicle (the Grease Car) to run on recycled grease. Brewery grains are also used as a substrate for growing organic shitake and oyster mushrooms. TOMS Shoes are sold online and in retail locations around the world with the promise that for each pair purchased, TOMS will give one pair to a child in need in Argentina, South Africa, and other locations around the world. Lights for Good is a fund-raising partnership with nonprofit organizations. Electricity is generated as the person is traveling to his destination. CCI also works to incorporate sustainable conservation agricultural practices and the protection of wildlife. Items are then shipped to North America for retail sale. Keen Footwear uses third-party independent monitoring of its operations, is seeking Fair Labor Association accreditation, and is currently preparing its first Accountability Report, following the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines. The company supports Fair Trade. In the largest study on climate change data and corporations, 8,000 supplier companies (that sell to 75 multinationals) reported on their level of climate risk. EDUN (Dublin, Ireland) is a socially conscious clothing company launched to create sustainable employment in developing countries. The bakerys facility was selected as a Top Ten Green Project in 2004 for its use of natural light, rooftop gardens, efficient machinery, and the use of outdoor air to cool baked goods. As part of edun LIVE, the company has created edun LIVE on campus, a partnership with Miami University of Ohio, to sell blank T-shirts to campus organizations with the goal to eventually expand to additional campuses. In an effort to further reduce the carbon footprint of Massanellis Cleaners, the company has joined the CarbonFree Small Business Program. A focus on sustainability can also unlock opportunities for process and logistics savings. Alaffia also provides scholarships to Washington state students, donates soap and lotion to womens shelters, offers Fair Trade talks, tours of the Washington facility, and community outreach and education on Fair Trade. In addition, the Web site has resources available to everyone, including Green Alerts and a marketplace. While too numerous to list, here is a small sampling of what the company has accomplished. With the help of others, the nonprofit Global Alliance for Community Empowerment (GACE) was formed to oversee community projects that focus on self-empowerment, the advancement of fair trade, education, sustainable living, and gender equality in Togo. The company has a goal of net-zero energy usage. The company philosophy is Bake well, be creative, have fun and give back. Immaculate Baking Company works hard to maximize its social impact by baking Cookies With a Cause. The company created the Folk Artists Foundation to provide support and exposure for folk artists. The hotels koi pond uses filtered recycled water, and the facility installed Solatube lighting, solar panels, and a reflective roof coating. Driving competitive advantage through stakeholder engagement. For example, the Kids Corner offers ecological activities and an alternative heroes coloring book (about real-life heroes!). Other eco-friendly efforts include photosynthesis curing, use of water-based paints, remodeling with recycled and reclaimed windows and doors, and use of local suppliers. The company has a strong environmental emphasis in supporting sustainable agriculture, recycling, composting, and purchasing postconsumer recycled paper for office supplies. IceStones glass and mother-of-pearl are recycled from post-industrial and post-consumer sources. You will also find a scholarship application for environmentally minded students preparing to enroll in college for the first time. SunNight Solar (Houston, Texas) is a company focused on the triple bottom line that makes solar-powered flashlights. IceStone continuously conducts product research to seek the most eco-friendly and local materials possible. Boulevard Bread Company recently joined forces with other local restaurants to create the Green Restaurant Alliance to network and support area restaurants pursuing environmentally friendly operations. Traditional business models aim to create value for shareholders, often at the expense of other stakeholders. On the contrary, academic research and business experience point to quite the opposite. White Bear Racquet and Swim Club (White Bear Lake, Minnesota) has fully embraced sustainability. The Pinehurst Inn uses solar hot water heaters, green cleaning products, and organic linens and towels. In addition to the standard fare for auto and travel clubs, the Better World Club also offers bicycle roadside assistance, discounts on hybrid or biodiesel auto rentals, discounts at eco-lodging facilities, discounts on eco-tours, membership discounts for hybrid vehicle owners, an online carbon emissions calculator, carbon offsets for your auto or travel plans, and a donation of 1% of revenue to environmental cleanup efforts and advocacy. An alternative to other auto and travel clubs, the Better World Club provides emergency roadside assistance, travel planning services (auto, flight, and hotel), maps, trip routing services, partnership discounts, and auto insurance. Customers view scanned images of mail received and, for each piece, they make a decision to open and scan the contents, recycle, archive, or forward the mail to them via surface mail. The company sponsors several campaigns that maximize its social impact. The company uses natural nontoxic biodegradable supplies and HEPA microfiltered vacuums. These unpriced natural capital costs are generally internalized until events like floods or droughts cause disruption to production processes or commodity price fluctuation. These premiums can reach 20% according to some estimates. The company recycles waste, uses recycled products, and has invested in energy efficiency. Boutique Mix sources natural organic handmade items following Fair Trade principles and nonhandmade items that are organic and use low-impact dyes and processes. The Good Project I is complete, and the company is now creating the Good Project II, which will also feature a community garden in the design. assets that lose value prematurely due to environmental, social, or other external factors) and over one-third of respondents reported cutting their holdings of a company in the past year because of this risk. For every eco-urban home sold, LJ Urban trained a local mason in West Africa to build sustainable homes. Tropical Salvage (Portland, Oregon) is a tropical wood furniture company that never cuts down a single tree to make a product. sweetriot gets its all-natural cacao from countries of origin in Latin America and abides by ethical and FairTrade sourcing. Folk art also adorns all cookie packaging. Water-related risks threaten to strand billions of dollars for mining, oil, and gas companies. Hotlips Pizza (Portland, Oregon) is a family-owned four-restaurant business. The company has been recognized for environmental stewardship and was an official sponsor of the Green Jobs Now fair held at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Located in a historic house, when they remodeled they preserved the original wood floors and added linoleum floors where new flooring was needed. In that year, these improvements resulted in 15,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions avoided and savings of nearly $11 million. pioneered the idea of creating shared value,, regular dialogue with stakeholders and continual iteration, longer-term capacity building and developing adaptive strategies, in the indefinite suspension of $21.5 billion, Whiteboard Session: The Business Case for Sustainability, integrates sustainability into its innovation pipeline, compared with regular cut and sew footwear, perceive a higher level of product performance.

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