When the driver arrived at the area, he can also open the gate by using the app. Submit the form below to request access to our audit report overview. Sposoby zapewniania prywatnoci ibezpieczestwa danych mog si rni wzalenoci od uycia aplikacji, regionu iwieku uytkownika. Zapewnienie Twojemu kierowcy bezpiecznych stref do parkowania na trasie to nie tylko kwestia komfortu to take Twj spokj, poniewa wiesz, e Twj adunek oraz kierowca s bezpieczne. Taka moliwo zmniejszy Twoje wewntrzne koszty operacyjne. Safety equipment of truck parking spaces made transparent. Alexander Horak, Head of the Industry Vertical High-Tech at Gebrder Weiss, hopes for many fellow takers for secure truck parking: As soon as further forwarding companies join, we can better help each other with available and urgently needed parking spaces. The fact that access is only granted to trucks registered on the platform makes the parking space particularly secure. Bosch Service Solutions, a provider for technology-based services, established a platform to address this issue. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Home News Releases Bosch secure truck parking to be launched, Germany alone lacks around 14,000 truck parking spaces; the situation is similar in our neighboring countries: Often, truckers have to drive past several parking lots to find parking space or park unsafely next to the motorway. Swoich kierowcw moesz bezporednio wysa do lokalizacji na trasie, ktra posiada wszystkie udogodnienia potrzebne Tobie oraz Twojemu kierowcy. A further location is near Valladolid northwest of Madrid and near Seville in the southwest of Spain. Szacowane straty dla gospodarki wynosz ponad 16 mld euro (TAPA EMEA 2015). At the end of a long day, truckers often have to try several lots before they can find somewhere to park. Piszemy o samochodach dostawczych, ciarowych, specjalnych, autobusach, naczepach, zabudowach, wyposaeniu dodatkowym, ogumieniu, paliwach, olejach, systemach elektronicznych i wszystkim, co wane dla transportu. W cigu roku dochodzi nawet do 44 wypadkw miertelnych w wyniku pozostawienia pojazdu w niezabezpieczonym miejscu (rdo: European Commission 2013). W ten sposb pomagamy Ci ogranicza kradziee adunku, minimalizowa ruch pojazdw zwizany z wyszukiwaniem miejsca i tworzy bezpieczne rodowisko pracy dla kierowcw. To umoliwia m.in. Germany. 22 213 88 28 tel. Platforma rezerwacji on-line dla Bosch Secure Truck Parking jest obsugiwana za porednictwem chmury Bosch IoT Cloud. Use of existing parking space on company premises. Czsto kierowcy s zmuszeni do pozostawienie pojazdu w miejscach niebezpiecznych dla ruchu lub opuszczenia autostrady i zaparkowania gdzie indziej, na przykad na terenach przemysowych. As one of the first truck stops, the Bavarian truck stop in Thiersheim offers 10 truck parking spaces via the Bosch platform. None of that thanks to the Bosch solution. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. Parking dla pracownikw jest udostpniany w nocy. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. z o.o. Secure Truck Parking w poczeniu z technik zabezpiecze moe znacznie zmniejszy ryzyko przestpstw. https://www.bosch-secure-truck-parking.com, OpenEye Adds Bosch Intrusion Panel Integration, WeSuite and FieldHub Introduce Platform Integration, Connected Technologies Updates Connect ONE Platform Service Levels. Bosch Secure Truck Parking pozwala rozwiza oba te problemy. Nie tra wicej paliwa lub cennego czasu przeznaczonego na jazd pojazdem, poszukujc bezpiecznego miejsca parkingowego. Similar Cos.SecrSpace, Bosch Secure Truck Parking, Sostafacile, Otra, RigPark & 16 others, Unlimited Unicorn, Geo Monthly and Top Business Model reports, Curated newsletters sent to your email inbox daily, The Portfolio Tracker tool - get updates on portfolio activity in your inbox, Request next round investors for a company - find the most optimal investors, A browser extension for Chrome & Firefox - see company details on the go, SecrSpace, Bosch Secure Truck Parking, Sostafacile, Otra, RigPark. Znajd, zarezerwuj i zaparkuj bezpiecznie. Called Bosch Secure Truck Parking, the platform integrates existing parking spaces in car parks, commercial parks, and other areas, and makes them available digitally to forwarders. Informacje oglne Szacuje si, e na niemieckich autostradach wystpuje niedobr okoo 14 000 miejsc postojowych dla pojazdw ciarowych. Forwarders and drivers can find out more about the available facilities on the Bosch Secure Truck Parking website or via a dedicated app. Our Future Mobility North America online event brings together more than 1,000 stakeholders to discuss the business models, technologies and trends shaping the future of mobility. Mniej szukasz, wicej jedzisz. Fot. of customers as on Mar 31, 2021. formId: "1b59dec9-133d-4e62-908f-8a252939b895" Bosch Secure Truck Parking does not only indicate the available parking spaces. rozpoznawanie kamer tablic rejestracyjnych pojazdw ciarowych na wjedzie oraz wyjedzie i porwnywanie ich z danymi rezerwacji w Bosch IoT Cloud. To make this possible, we are looking for cooperation partners in all European countries who want to rent out their parking spaces via our platform or make areas with suitable infrastructure usable as truck parking spaces, explains Dr. Jan-Philipp Weers, Head of Bosch Secure Truck Parking. Bosch Secure Truck Parking has recently been launched in Southern Europe and now includes seven new locations in Spain. This allows better planning of travel and rest times. Offering truck parking spaces to local and international drivers via the website made it necessary to translate it into English and German. Deweloper (Bosch Service Solutions GmbH) wskaza, e zasady ochrony prywatnoci waplikacji mog obejmowa opisane poniej metody przetwarzania danych. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. It not only makes finding a parking space childs play, but also deters thieves from pilfering the freight. It also provides information on the convenience features, such as sanitary facilities with showers or restaurant services, adds Dr. Jan-Philipp Weers. info/SMS: 515 750 900kontakt@kmg-media.pl. Dokonaj rezerwacji swojego bezpiecznego miejsca w 3 krokach. Website hosted and maintained by Grass Media Web Design, Alcatraz AI presents autonomous access control solutions at ISC West 2022. hbspt.forms.create({ Wydawca miesicznikw branowych TSL Biznes i Truck & Van, Malczewskiego 17a, 05-820 Piastw tel. The result: Accidents happen, freight is stolen. The truck driver and dispatchers can book the parking space of their preference and the parking payment will be sent as a monthly invoice to the company for payment. Dozr wizyjny nad pojazdami Bosch Secure Truck Parking. Kredyt kupiecki jest dostpny tylko na danie. Dugotrwae poszukiwanie odpowiednich miejsc parkingowych moe powodowa naruszenie ustawowego czasu jazdy i odpoczynku, a take zwikszenie zuycia paliwa i emisji dwutlenku wgla. Wprowadzamy parkingi do internetu i tworzymy z nich usugodawc dostpnego w sieci. Aby zintegrowa liczne systemy barier na parkingach, Bosch IoT Cloud korzysta z rozwizania SAP Vehicles Network, ktry jest oparty na platformie SAP HANA Cloud. too few secure truck parking spaces exist along German freeways, according to current estimates, Bosch Service Solutions has already come up with a lot of ideas for truck security, from the tracking and monitoring of freight and vehicles in control centers to monitoring the temperature of perishable goods. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. If this developer is building a project for you, it is best to try to work things out directly with him/her first and report problems to us only if this fails. Kierowcy mog z wyprzedzeniem rezerwowa miejsca parkingowego on-line. Bosch Service Solutions, a provider for technology-based services, established a platform to address this issue. The lure of the open road? Aby zintegrowa liczne systemy barier na parkingach, Bosch IoT Cloud korzysta z rozwizania SAP Vehicles Network, ktry jest oparty na platformie SAP HANA Cloud. Safety technology protects drivers, vehicles and freight. Wprowadzamy parkingi do internetu i tworzymy z nich usugodawc dostpnego w sieci. The result: Accidents happen, freight is stolen. Parking dla pracownikw jest udostpniany w nocy. Forwarders and truck drivers can reserve parking spaces along their route in advance or during the trip via a free online portal or through app in the future. products, key companies and much more! Browse our Buyers Guide for select supplier offerings, CML is also committed to compliance with all fair employment practices regarding citizenship and immigration status. Copyright 2022 Apple Inc. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeone. Interested in participating in our Sponsored Content section? To make this possible, we are looking for cooperation partners in all European countries who want to rent out their parking spaces via our platform or make areas with suitable infrastructure usable as truck parking spaces. Jednym z najwikszych wyzwa z jakim musz sobie radzi kierowcy samochodw ciarowych jest znalezienie bezpiecznego miejsca parkingowego na noc. W tym celu Bosch wprowadza usug Secure Truck Parking, czyli bezpieczny parking dla ciarwek. Te informacje poda deweloper izczasem moe je aktualizowa. Kadego roku straty powstae wyniku kradziey adunku wynosz ponad 8,2 miliona euro. Secure truck parking cuts out the tiresome search for somewhere to park, and helps deter thieves. Bosch i SAP s bliskimi partnerami w dziedzinie rozwoju platformy i infrastruktury IT. Bosch i SAP s bliskimi partnerami w dziedzinie rozwoju platformy i infrastruktury IT. W ten sposb zwiksza si bezpieczestwo przewoonego towaru oraz komfort pracy kierowcw samochodw ciarowych. }); hbspt.forms.create({ Stanowi to duy problem dla spedytorw, ktrzy musz zaplanowa ustawowo przewidziane przerwy na wypoczynek dla kierowcw. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. Miesicznik Truck & Van to magazyn, w ktrym piszemy kompleksowo o wszystkim, co zwizane z transportem samochodowym zarwno tym duym, jak i nieco mniejszym. The principle: Bosch records the occupancy of truck parking spaces in real-time. Dziki coraz wikszej liczbie lokalizacji, ktre mona rezerwowa, odnalezienie i rezerwacja bezpiecznego miejsca parkingowego nigdy nie byy atwiejsze. With the Bosch solution, dispatchers can easily and quickly book a truck parking space at my truck stop, says Rolf Kstner, Managing Partner of the Thiersheim truck stop. portalId: "5721280", Bd najlepszym pracodawc i w ten sposb przycignij uwag zdolnych kierowcw. Ponadto miejsca parkingowe zostan objte monitoringiem Bosch, aby ograniczy liczb kradziey adunkw, a tym samym zwikszy poziom bezpieczestwa kierowcw. For more Information, visit https://www.bosch-secure-truck-parking.com. All rights reserved. Operatorzy parkingw mog w ten sposb oferowa w czasie rzeczywistym informacje o dostpnych miejscach" powiedzia dr Jan-Philipp Weers, kierownik projektu w Bosch Service Solutions. Dodatkowo samochody ciarowe przewo coraz wicej adunkw o duej wartoci, ktrym trzeba zapewni bezpieczestwo podczas postoju. formId: "404ddff7-44f7-45e9-8b86-feced38abffb" To umoliwia m.in. W planach jest przygotowanie 50 bezpiecznych miejsc dla ciarwek na parkingu Thiersheim w Bawarii. This feature allows to enter and exit the security area and the parking will be added to the monthly invoice.Be part of a growing high security parking network and discover Bosch Secure Truck Parking. The website will soon also be available to truckers and drivers in Spanish. We are delighted to provide a total of 180 secure parking spaces with these new locations.". Its latest offering, Bosch secure truck parking, reduces truck drivers job-related risks in several ways. The last thing they need then is the stress of finding a safe parking space. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We offer you audit reports that provide in depth information of a parking location. Pierwsza instalacja pilotaowa Secure Truck Parking ju dziaa w Karlsruhe, przy autostradzie A5, w pobliu siedziby firmy Bosch. Bosch has already put this into practice on the Automotive Aftermarket divisions staff parking lot in Karlsruhe, Germany, which is next to the A5 freeway. For further suggestions for improvements or constructive criticism of the app, please feel free to contact us at support.truckparking@de.bosch.com. Secure truck parking makes work easier for truckers. z o.o. According to the Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA), Spain is one of the countries with a three-digit freight theft rate, which explains a high demand for parking spaces with security equipment, says Carlos de Ubieta, Business Development Manager for Bosch Service Solutions in Spain. This provides a flexible and needs-based mechanism for purchasing services to make logistics faster, easier and more secure. enable it to enjoy the full features of Tracxn. System bdzie obejmowa nie tylko oglnodostpne parkingi, ale take parkingi zakadowe, ktre znajduj si w pobliu autostrad. The Europe-wide booking platform, Bosch Secure Truck Parking helps you in searching for a suitable parking space. Select the answer that best applies. rozpoznawanie kamer tablic rejestracyjnych pojazdw ciarowych na wjedzie oraz wyjedzie i porwnywanie ich z danymi rezerwacji w Bosch IoT Cloud. Kierowcy musz czsto odwiedza wiele parkingw, zanim s w stanie bezpiecznie zaparkowa swj pojazd. Contemporary Security Management, 3rdEditionteaches security professionals how to operate an efficient security department and how to integrate smoothly with other groups inside and outside their own organizations. We are delighted to provide a total of 180 secure parking spaces with these new locations.. IVECO joins the poles with Plant the Future project, Nikola agrees to acquire Romeo Power, to bring battery pack, Tata Motors registered total sales of 81,790 units in July, Mahindra Auto sells 27,854 SUVs and 56,148 vehicles overall in, Stellantis announces $99 million total investment for new engine production, The new BMW i4 eDrive35 can be ordered in Canada, New Waymo One features inspired by DOT's Inclusive Design Challenge, NIO Inc. provides July 2022 delivery update, BMW Group: E-drive production expands in Leipzig: Second battery module, Nikola agrees to acquire Romeo Power, to bring battery pack engineering and production in-house, Tata Motors registered total sales of 81,790 units in July 2022, grows by 51% over last year, New Waymo One features inspired by DOTs Inclusive Design Challenge. We enhance the efficiency, convenience and security of truck parking, says Dr. Jan-Philipp Weers, Head of Bosch Secure Truck Parking. *Umoliwiamy patno za pomoc karty kredytowej, serwisu PayPal, gotwki na miejscu lub kredytu kupieckiego. Rozwizanie pozwala rwnie na dokadniejsze zaplanowanie przebiegu trasy. W planach jest przygotowanie 50 bezpiecznych miejsc dla ciarwek na parkingu Thiersheim w Bawarii. Also offered: Video monitoring via a Bosch Security Control Center, including virtual guard rounds. Our company was incorporated on 11th August, 2012, as Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. }); hbspt.forms.create({ Aplikacja umoliwia wybranie miejsca parkingowego jeszcze przed wyruszeniem w tras lub ju w trakcie podry, dziki czemu mona unikn dugiego poszukiwania miejsca do zaparkowania czy i postoju w niebezpiecznej okolicy. Wzrost natenia ruchu towarowego sprawia, e coraz trudniej jest znale miejsce parkingowe dla samochodu ciarowego. Depending on the requirements, when equipping sites, Bosch meets common European security certificates such as the certifications of the Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA) or EU parking standards, developed by the European Commission. Platforma rezerwacji on-line dla Bosch Secure Truck Parking jest obsugiwana za porednictwem chmury Bosch IoT Cloud. adne dane nie s udostpniane innym firmom, Ta aplikacja moe zbiera te rodzaje danych, Dane osobowe i Informacje oaplikacjach iich dziaaniu. Skorzystaj z naszej internetowej aplikacji lub aplikacji dla kierowcy, aby zarezerwowa swoje kolejne miejsce parkingowe. System bdzie obejmowa nie tylko oglnodostpne parkingi, ale take parkingi zakadowe, ktre znajduj si w pobliu autostrad. Kredyt kupiecki jest dostpny. Forwarders and drivers can find out more about the available facilities on the Bosch Secure Truck Parking website or via a dedicated app. The seven new locations are spread over different regions in Spain: The biggest parking area with 120 parking spaces is in Aranjuez near the Spanish capital Madrid. Podstaw bezpieczestwa jest wiedza otym, jak deweloperzy zbieraj iudostpniaj Twoje dane. To quote Jan-Philipp Weers, the project director: Up to now, services have only intervened when something happens. Po fazie testw, usuga Bosch Secure Truck Parking bdzie dostpna wiosn 2017 roku. Po fazie testw, usuga Bosch Secure Truck Parking bdzie dostpna wiosn 2017 roku. According to the Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA), Spain is one of the countries with a three-digit freight theft rate, which explains a high demand for parking spaces with security equipment," said Carlos de Ubieta, business development manager for Bosch Service Solutions in Spain. Parking fees are billed to the freight forwarder at the end of the month, doing without any annoying paperwork. JavaScript is disabled in your browser. portalId: "5721280", You must have JavaScript enabled to enjoy a limited number of articles over the next 30 days. Kamery PTZ MIC - o podwyszonej wytrzymaoci na warunki rodowiskowe, Macierze dyskowe iSCSI (podczane do sieci IP), Akcesoria moduowych enkoderw wizyjnych IP, Zmiennoogniskowe z automatyczn przeson DC, Owietlacze podczerwieni serii Aegis SuperLED, Owietlacze podczerwieni serii Aegis UFLED, Owietlacze wiata biaego serii Aegis UFLED, Ekonomiczne owietlacze z technologi 3D Difuzor, System Rozpoznawania Tablic Rejestacyjnych REGSentry, Zintegrowane systemy krosownic wizyjnych Allegiant, Moduowe systemy krosownic wizyjnych Allegiant, Systemy sygnalizacji wamania i napadu konwencjonalne, Systemy sygnalizacji wamania i napadu adresowalne, OPROGRAMOWANIE DO REJESTRACJI MEETING RECORDER, INTEGRUS SYSTEM TUMACZE SYMULTANICZNYCH W PODCZERWIENI, Konwencjonalne rczne ostrzegacze poarowe, Kamery IP FLEXIDOME Corner Bosch do montau naronego, Alarm poarowy i dwikowe systemy ostrzegawcze za pomoc sieci IP Bosch, Systemy nagonieniowe i ostrzegawcze Praesideo Bosch, Cyfrowe systemy nagonieniowe PLENA Matrix Bosch, Sterowanie kamer HD w systemach DCN Conference, Centrala FPC-500 Bosch - korzyci finansowe, Kamery MIC Bosch take w wersji sieciowej (IP), Systemy alarmowe dla domu Easy Series Bosch, Kamery wizyjne IP serii 200 Bosch Advantage Line, Niezawodna centrala alarmowa AMAX 2000 Bosch, Alarmowe czujki ruchu Professional Series Bosch, Kompleksowe zarzdzanie sygnaem wizyjnym - Bosch VMS, Monitoring pojazdw - system Neurocar Bosch, Profesjonalne kamery 1080p HDR firmy Bosch, Kamera do przechwytywania tablic rejestracyjnych DINION capture Bosch, Plena Voice Alarm 3.0 - dwikowy system ostrzegawczy, Dualne kamery IP FlexiDome HD 1080p Bosch, Seria Advantage Line firmy Bosch profesjonalny monitoring wizyjny dla kadego, Nadzr wideo w jakoci Full HD w najlepszym wydaniu, Moduowa centrala sygnalizacji poaru serii 5000 firmy Bosch, Czujki magnetyczne Bosch z certyfikatem EN50131-2-6, Nowe staopozycyjne, termowizyjne kamery IP firmy Bosch, Bezkompromisowa jako obrazu - Dinion HD 1080p, Technologia dozorowa w kamerach Dinion 2X i FlexiDome 2X. Wedug TAPA w 2019 roku znw pobity zosta rekord w liczbie przestpstw zwizanych z adunkami. Strona gwna Artykuy Dozr wizyjny nad pojazdami Bosch Secure Truck Parking. Four other parking lots are in the northeast of Spain: in Pamplona, Tudela, Pedrola near Zaragoza and in Vitoria-Gasteiz. It can even mean hazards on German roads, since in the worst case, drivers will park illegally, away from parking lots, putting both themselves and other road users in danger. Bosch Secure Truck Parking links the infrastructure of parking lots with the information and communication systems of dispatchers and truck drivers. Oferuje on spedytorom kompleksowe rozwizanie, ktre uatwia planowanie trasy, niezawodn ochron kierowcy i bezpieczestwo przewoonego adunku dodaje Weers. Four other parking lots are in the northeast of Spain: in Pamplona, Tudela, Pedrola near Zaragoza and in Vitoria-Gasteiz. The parking space, for instance, at the Thiersheim truck stop is under video surveillance. Called Bosch Secure Truck Parking, the platform integrates existing parking spaces in car parks, commercial parks and other areas and makes them available digitally to forwarders. Dugotrwae poszukiwanie odpowiednich miejsc parkingowych moe powodowa naruszenie ustawowego czasu jazdy i odpoczynku, a take zwikszenie zuycia paliwa i emisji dwutlenku wgla. A further location is near Valladolid, northwest of Madrid and near Seville in the southwest of Spain. Submit a Request for Proposal (RFP) to security suppliers of your choice with details on what you need with a click of a button. We plan to continue to grow in Europe, said Dr. Jan-Philipp Weers, head of Bosch Secure Truck Parking. When their working day comes to an end, truckers are exhausted. Koncepcja tego rozwizania opiera si na wsppracy midzy wizyjnymi systemami dozorowymi zainstalowanymi na parkingach oraz orodkami interwencyjnymi penicymi take funkcje usugowe i dozorowe. The Gebrder Weiss forwarding company is also involved in Maria Lanzendorf near Vienna. As part of a pilot project, selected freight companies are being offered the opportunity to park there. All other data points as on May 31, 2021. The Europe-wide booking Continued. The biggest parking area with 120 parking spaces is in Aranjuez near the Spanish capital Madrid. In principle, Bosch offers the rest area operators to also equip the areas with in-house safety technology. Welcome back , to continue browsing the site, please click here, Automotive World Ltd 2022, All Rights Reserved, Bosch secure truck parking to be launched. Bosch technology makes truckers working lives more secure. Wszystkie postoje dla samochodw ciarowych, lokalizacje z parkingami oraz strefy wypoczynku s dostpne w jednej aplikacji dla kierowcw ciarwek. An outdated romantic notion. In addition, Bosch creates and implements secure and digital parking solutions across Europe, including video surveillance by the Bosch Monitoring Center. Rocznie, w samej Unii Europejskiej, okoo 90 000 ciarwek jest okradanych podczas postoju. Bosch Secure Truck Parking provides technology-based security and service solutions for the logistics sector. But our new solution is designed to stop incidents happening in the first place.. teaches security professionals how to operate an efficient security department and how to integrate smoothly with other groups inside and outside their own organizations.

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